Romke van der Veen (1958) is full professor in Sociology of labor and organisation. His research focuses on social policies of the modern welfare state (labor market; social security; health care; pensions). Until 1995 he was full professor of Public Administration at Twente University, the Netherlands. Since 2012 Romke van der Veen is crown-member of the Social and Economic Advisory Council of the Netherlands and since 2016 he chairs the Insured Package Advisory Committee (health care - and long term care insurance) of the Dutch National Health Care Institute.
Research interests: welfare states, social policies, policy implementation, labor markets and labor organisations, social security systems, health care systems, institutions and institutional change
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
More information
- Chiara Carboni, Rik Wehrens, Romke van der Veen & Antoinette de Bont (2022) - Conceptualizing the digitalization of healthcare work: A metaphor-based Critical Interpretive Synthesis - Social Science & Medicine, 292, 114572 - doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114572 - [link]
- Bea Cantillon, Martin Seeleib-Kaiser & Romke van der Veen (2021) - The COVID-19 crisis and policy responses by continental European welfare states - Social Policy and Administration, 55 (2), 326-338 - doi: 10.1111/spol.12715 - [link]
- Luc Benda, Ferry Koster & Romke Van der Veen (2020) - Activation is not a panacea: Active labour market policy, long-term unemployment and institutional complementarity - Journal of Social Policy, 49 (3), 483-506 - doi: 10.1017/S0047279419000515 - [link]
- Peter Mascini & Romke van der Veen (2020) - Editorial: The privatization of work-related risk control - Zeitschrift Für Sozialreform/Journal of Social Policy Research, 66 (3), 195-206 - doi: 10.1515/zsr-2020-0009 - [link]
- Chris Reinders Folmer, Peter Mascini & Romke van der Veen (2020) - Evaluating social investment in disability policy: impact of measures for activation, support, and facilitation on employment of disabled persons in 22 European countries - Social Policy and Administration, 54 (5), 792-812 - doi: 10.1111/spol.12579 - [link]
- Romke Veen (1 oktober 2013) - Het gaat om meer dan kostenbeheersing. Interview in CVZ magazine 16-3 pp. 27-29
- Romke Veen (1 januari 2013) - Hoe ver gaat de solidariteit in de zorg? Interview in: SERmagazine 53-3: 4-6
- Romke Veen (1 januari 2013) - We bekijken solidariteit te eendimensionaal. Interview in De Actuaris. Magazine van het Koninklijk Actuarieel genootschap. 21-2: 20-21
- Chris Reinders Folmer, Peter Mascini & Romke Veen (2018) - Evaluating social investment in disability policy: Impact of activation and support on employment chances (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Romke Veen (2015) - Particpatie van kwetsbare groepen (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Professional - Romke Veen (2015) - Het Nederlandse pensioenstelsel in vergelijkend perspectief (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Romke Veen (2015) - De toekomst van het Nederlandse pensioenstelsel (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Professional - Romke Veen (2015) - Demografie, ongelijkheid en risicodeling. (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Romke Veen (2014) - Demografie, ongelijkheid en risicodeling. Over betaalbaarheid en legitimiteit van het Nederlandse pensioenstelsel (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Popular - Romke Veen (2014) - Inrichting en beheersing van de zorg in Nederland (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Popular - Romke Veen (2014) - De prijs van solidariteit (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Professional - Romke Veen (2013) - Individuele en collectieve verantwoordelijkheid bij activerend beleid (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Romke Veen (2013) - Professionele Beoordeling (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic
4.1 Governing Social Risks
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWS-430