EIPE Ph.D. Students

EIPE Current Ph.D. Students

To read the published dissertations, please visit repub.eur.nl.

Nicolien JanssensExplicating the Norms of Collective Deliberation
Benjamin Mullins How much is enough? Toward a moral framework for assessing the freedom to pursue sustainable lifestyles and alternative economic systems
Savriel DillinghThe Liberatory Corporation
Erica YuDeliberation, social choice, and democracy: making collective decisions in a plural society
Måns AbrahamsonEliciting Laundered Preferences in the Context of Health and Wellbeing
Elisabetta GobboGentrification: analysis of the tension between private property, profit-seeking mechanisms and residents' claim to urban land

EIPE Ph.D. Graduates

Name                            DissertationYear
Annalisa CostellaHow to deal with change: the challenge to decisions and freedom2024
Lennart AckermansPolitical aspects of causation in the social sciences2023
Daphne TruijensNudge: On Individual Choice, Rationality and Learning Behavior2023
Osman Caglar DedeUnderstanding Economics as an Inductive Policy Science in Societal Context 2021
Vaios KoliofotisA Philosophical Enquiry into the Evolution of Economic Preferences2021
Job DaemenTheory and Practice in Financial Markets2021
James GrayotAgency, cognition, and rational choice: philosophy at the crossroads of economics and cognitive science2019
Philippe Verreault-JulienExplanation, Understanding, and Knowledge: an Inquiry into the Epistemological Foundations of Economic Modelling2019
Melissa Vergara FernándezAn enquiry into the use of economic models 2018
Willem van der DeijlThe Measurement of Wellbeing in Economics: Philosophical Explorations2017
Susana Graça Pereira de OliveiraEconomics on Stage2017
Luis Mireles-FloresAn Inquiry Into The Practical Relevance Potential Of Economic Theories2016
Joost W. HengstmengelReligion and the rise of economics as a science2016
Sine BagaturIn Defense of a Democratic Account of Human Rights2015
Attillia RuzzeneInferring causality in the social sciences2014
Thomas WellsReasoning about Human Development2013
François ClaveauCausal Reasoning in Economics: A Selective Exploration of Semantic, Epistemic and Dynamical Aspects2012
Till DüppeEconomic Significance: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Economic Life2009
Altug YalcintasInstitutional Economics and Historical Analysis2009
Alessandro LanteriThe Moral Trial: On Ethics and Economics2008
Aki LehtinenThe Welfare Consequences of Strategic Voting2007
Roberta MuramatsuEmotions in Action2006
Ana Cordeiro dos SantosExperimental Economics – from a methodological point of view2006
Caterina MarchionniUnity, Plurality and Explanation2005
F.A. HindriksRules and Institutions2005
Emrah AydinonatExplaining the Unintended Consequences of Human Action2004
Gülbahar TezelAlfred Marshall on Technology: Tensions and Teachings2004
Jorma SappinenStretching the Scope of Economics2003
Peter MarksAssociation Between Games2002

About EIPE

Although researchers with a serious interest in economic methodology are scattered around the world, there is only one Ph.D. program in the field, at Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Not surprisingly, this institute has attracted an outstanding faculty; and it regularly hosts as visitors all the leading figures in the field. It is a very special place which I regularly recommend to students interested in graduate studies in economic methodology.
Daniel Hausman
Herbert A. Simon and Hilldale Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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