Bachelor Open Dag

Drie studiekiezers wandelen op de campus tijdens de Master Open Dag.

Bedrijfskunde, Criminologie of toch Psychologie? Tijdens de Bachelor Open Dag op zaterdag 4 oktober 2025 kom je alles te weten over onze opleidingen. Ontdek welke bachelor het best bij jou past, stel al je vragen aan studenten, docenten en afgestudeerden of volg praktische sessies over het maken van jouw studiekeuze. Het evenement is volledig hybride. Voor de beste ervaring ben je welkom op onze campus, maar je kan alle sessies ook vanuit huis volgen.

zaterdag 4 okt 2025, 09:00 - 17:00
Open dag
Meld je nu aan! Voeg toe aan agenda

Drie redenen waarom jij onze Bachelor Open Dag niet mag missen:

  • Het evenement is volledig hybride. Wij willen dat jij de beste studiekeuze maakt. Daarom ontvangen we je graag op onze campus! Ben je écht niet in staat om te komen? Niet getreurd, alle voorlichtingssessies zijn online te volgen.
  • Tijdens onze Bachelor Open Dag kom je alles te weten over de programma's van onze bacheloropleidingen, de toekomstperspectieven ervan en wat de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam onderscheidend maakt.
  • Stel al je vragen! Ga in gesprek met studenten, afgestudeerden en docenten en leer alles over de toelatingseisen, de studielast en het wonen in Rotterdam.

Terugblik Bachelor Open Dag 5 oktober 2024

Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
Bachelor Open Day 05-10-2024
  • Prospective student with his parents during the Bachelor Open Day.
  • Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
  • Prospective students in a lecture hall during the Bachelor Open Day.

Bachelor Open Day 05-10-2024

Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective student with his parents during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students walk across campus.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Daughter and father sit on a chair on campus during the bachelor's open day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Lecturer explains an bachelor's programme on stage to prospective students.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador gives a tour of the campus during the bachelor open day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Arie Kers
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Arie Kers
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Arie Kers
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Arie Kers
Father and daughter in toga at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Arie Kers
Two law students in togas at the photo booth during the bachelor's open day.
Arie Kers
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador explains during the bachelor open day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective student during Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students during the bachelor open day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Lecturer explains an bachelor programme during the bachelor open day.
Arie Kers
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Arie Kers
Ambassador stands behind a fabric bag stall during the bachelor open day.
Arie Kers
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall during the explanation of an bachelor's programme.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador explains to prospective student.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador shows prospective student the way on campus during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Students in front of the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students walk across Campus Woudestein.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassadors explain during the Bachelor Open Day.
Arie Kers
Students at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Arie Kers
Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective student with his parents during the Bachelor Open Day.
Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective students walk across campus.
Prospective students at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Daughter and father sit on a chair on campus during the bachelor's open day.
Lecturer explains an bachelor's programme on stage to prospective students.
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Ambassador gives a tour of the campus during the bachelor open day.
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Father and daughter in toga at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Two law students in togas at the photo booth during the bachelor's open day.
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the Bachelor Open Day.
Ambassador explains during the bachelor open day.
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Prospective student during Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective students during the bachelor open day.
Lecturer explains an bachelor programme during the bachelor open day.
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Ambassador stands behind a fabric bag stall during the bachelor open day.
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall during the explanation of an bachelor's programme.
Prospective students during the Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective students during the Bachelor Open Day.
Ambassador explains to prospective student.
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall.
Ambassador shows prospective student the way on campus during the Bachelor Open Day.
Students in front of the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective students walk across Campus Woudestein.
Ambassadors explain during the Bachelor Open Day.
Students at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.

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  • @title

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