Bachelor Open Dag

Zaterdag 8 februari 2025
Volle collegezaal tijdens de Bachelor Open Dag

Kom langs op de volledig hybride Bachelor Open Dag van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op zaterdag 8 februari 2025 en vind de opleiding die bij jou past! Bezoek voorlichtingsessies van alle opleidingen en stel al je vragen aan studenten en docenten over de toekomstperspectieven, studiekosten of het vinden van een kamer. Of verken onze multifunctionele campus tijdens een campustour en ontdek wat Rotterdam jou straks als student te bieden heeft tijdens een bustour!

Lachende studiekiezers open dag
Alexander Santos Lima

Volledig hybride (fysiek of online)

Wij willen dat jij de juiste studiekeuze gaat maken. Daarom ontvangen we je graag op onze campus voor de beste ervaring! Bij bezoek aan onze campus vragen we je wel in het kader van de maximumcapaciteit en duurzaamheid zoveel als mogelijk met het openbaar vervoer te komen en met maximaal één begeleider.

Ben je écht niet in staat te komen? Niet getreurd, alle voorlichtingssessies zijn online te volgen. Meld je dus aan om ons te bezoeken of meld je aan voor online deelname via de correcte buttons hierboven. Je kan altijd tussentijds je keuze wijzigen door je af te melden voor de ene optie en aan te melden voor de andere.

Bezoekers op de Master Open Dag 2023
Alexander Santos Lima

Wat kun je verwachten tijdens de Bachelor Open Dag?

Op onze Bachelor Open Dag kun je voorlichtingssessies van alle bacheloropleidingen bijwonen, maar ook sessies die ingaan op het maken van de juiste studiekeuze, de kosten van studeren of het studentenleven in Rotterdam. Op de informatiemarkten kan je daarnaast het gesprek aangaan met onze studenten en ontdekken hoe zij de studie ervaren. Ook voorlichters staan voor je klaar om je vragen over bijvoorbeeld op exchange gaan te beantwoorden. Verder kun je onder leiding van een gids onze multifunctionele campus en onze moderne wereldstad Rotterdam verkennen. 


Wil je een voorlichtingssessie bijwonen van Geneeskunde, Nanobiologie en/of Klinische Technologie? Dit kan op de Open Dag Erasmus MC op zaterdag 15 februari 2025. De opleiding Geneeskunde is bij de Bachelor Open Dag wel aanwezig met een eigen informatiestand, voor al je vragen over de studie. Het is verstandig als je ten eerste naar de reguliere Bachelor Open Dag gaat om je ook te verdiepen in een alternatieve studie, aangezien er bij Geneeskunde sprake is van een selectieprocedure. Wil je je aanmelden voor of heb je vragen over de Open Dag Erasmus MC? Kijk dan op deze pagina. Kom je er niet uit dan kun je terecht bij

Een impressie van onze Bachelor Open Dag van 5 oktober 2024

Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
Bachelor Open Day 05-10-2024
  • Prospective student with his parents during the Bachelor Open Day.
  • Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
  • Prospective students in a lecture hall during the Bachelor Open Day.

Bachelor Open Day 05-10-2024

Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective student with his parents during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students walk across campus.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Daughter and father sit on a chair on campus during the bachelor's open day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Lecturer explains an bachelor's programme on stage to prospective students.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador gives a tour of the campus during the bachelor open day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Arie Kers
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Arie Kers
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Arie Kers
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Arie Kers
Father and daughter in toga at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Arie Kers
Two law students in togas at the photo booth during the bachelor's open day.
Arie Kers
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador explains during the bachelor open day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective student during Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students during the bachelor open day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Lecturer explains an bachelor programme during the bachelor open day.
Arie Kers
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Arie Kers
Ambassador stands behind a fabric bag stall during the bachelor open day.
Arie Kers
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall during the explanation of an bachelor's programme.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador explains to prospective student.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassador shows prospective student the way on campus during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Students in front of the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Alexander Santos Lima
Prospective students walk across Campus Woudestein.
Alexander Santos Lima
Ambassadors explain during the Bachelor Open Day.
Arie Kers
Students at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Arie Kers
Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective student with his parents during the Bachelor Open Day.
Ambassador explains during Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective students walk across campus.
Prospective students at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Daughter and father sit on a chair on campus during the bachelor's open day.
Lecturer explains an bachelor's programme on stage to prospective students.
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Ambassador gives a tour of the campus during the bachelor open day.
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Ambassador provides information to a prospective student.
Father and daughter in toga at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Two law students in togas at the photo booth during the bachelor's open day.
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the Bachelor Open Day.
Ambassador explains during the bachelor open day.
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Prospective student during Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective students during the bachelor open day.
Lecturer explains an bachelor programme during the bachelor open day.
Prospective students in a lecture hall during the bachelor open day.
Ambassador stands behind a fabric bag stall during the bachelor open day.
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall during the explanation of an bachelor's programme.
Prospective students during the Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective students during the Bachelor Open Day.
Ambassador explains to prospective student.
Prospective students sit in a lecture hall.
Ambassador shows prospective student the way on campus during the Bachelor Open Day.
Students in front of the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.
Prospective students walk across Campus Woudestein.
Ambassadors explain during the Bachelor Open Day.
Students at the photo booth during the Bachelor Open Day.

In het kort

  • Voor wie? - Bachelorstudiekiezers en hun ouders/verzorgers

  • Wanneer? - Zaterdag 8 februari 2025, 09:00 tot 17:00 uur

  • Waar? - Campus Woudestein (voor de beste ervaring) of online

  • Wat? - Alle informatie over de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, onze bacheloropleidingen en onze stad (met studenten, afgestudeerden en docenten)

Privacy statement

Op onze Bachelor Open Dag zullen opnames van voorlichtingssessies, foto’s en video’s worden gemaakt die na afloop op onze website of social media kanalen kunnen worden geplaatst.
Voor meer informatie over hoe de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam omgaat met jouw persoonsgegevens, bekijk ons privacy statement.

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