Researcher profielen

  • (Dana) DMM de Leeuw

    (Dana) DMM de Leeuw
  • (Isabel) IAM Leus, MSc

    (Isabel) IAM Leus, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Patrick) PC Leyens, LL.M

    Expertise: Erasmus Chair of Empirical Legal Studies. Prof. Leyens will be responsible for courses in the area of corporate law and economics. Among other…
    prof.dr. (Patrick) PC Leyens, LL.M
  • (Shu) S Li

    Dr. Shu Li is an Assistant Professor in Law and Technology at Erasmus School of Law. His research focuses on the legal and societal implications of the risk and… (Shu) S Li
  • prof.dr. (Yuwen) Y Li

    Prof. Yuwen Li is professor of Chinese law, currently her research interests cover foreign investment law in China, comparative investment law and international…
    prof.dr. (Yuwen) Y Li
  • mr. (Florens) FE van Lierop

    mr. (Florens) FE van Lierop
  • mr. (Daniëlle) DR van Lijf

    mr. (Daniëlle) DR van Lijf
  • (Siewert) SD Lindenbergh

    Siewert Lindenbergh is part time professor in Private Law. His primary function is Advocate General at the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (supreme court). (Siewert) SD Lindenbergh
  • (Yunhong) Y Liu

    (Yunhong) Y Liu
  • (Cees) CJ Loonstra (Cees) CJ Loonstra

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