prof.dr. R (René) Repasi


Prof. Dr. René Repasi is Professor of Public and Private Interests at Easrmus University Rotterdam. Since February 2022 he is Member of the European Parliament, affiliated to the S&D group, holding a seat in the Committees for the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) and Legal Affairs (JURI). Before he was acting as vice-head of the Department of International and European Union Law of Erasmus School of Law and was the director of the Erasmus Centre for Economic and Financial Governance, a multidisciplinary research centre by Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) and Erasmus School of Law. He is specialized in EU law and the law of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).

Previously, he held the position of Associate Professor of International and European Union Law and was Scientific Coordinator of the European Research Centre for Economic and Financial Governance (EURO-CEFG) of the Universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam since November 2014. Before his appointment at EURO-CEFG in November 2014 he used to work as Research Assistant at the Institute for German and European Corporate and Economic Law of Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg at the chair of Professor Peter-Christian Müller-Graff and as lecturer for EU law at the University for Applied Sciences in Fulda (Germany).

René Repasi studied law at the Universities of Heidelberg and Montpellier I. During his legal clerkship, he used to work for the European Commission and at the European Court of Justice in the cabinet of Advocate General Prof. Dr. Juliane Kokott. He holds a PhD on 'The Impact of the Supremacy of Union law on the Private International law of the Member States' from the University of Heidelberg. Professor Repasi was appointed as legal expert in hearings and for consultancy at the European Parliament on the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) as well as on questions relating to institutional and constitutional matters of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) at the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (AFCO) and on "Brexit" at the German Bundestag. The Brussels based think tank “Centre for European Policy Studies” (CEPS) nominated him for its High-Level Group on EU Institutional Reforms. He acted, furthermore, as legal adviser for the chapter on EMU in the proposal of a 'Fundamental Law of the European Union' by the Spinelli Group for a new Treaty for the EU. His research interests revolve around legal matters relating to economic and financial governance, banking regulation, constitutional and institutional implications of EMU.

René Repasi teaches at the Erasmus School of Law (ESL) and is involved as case drafter and judge in the regional finals of the European Law Moot Court competition. 

Erasmus School of Law

Full professor | International and European Union Law (IEUR)


  • René Repasi (26 oktober 2023) - 'We want to move to a market where consumers choose to repair and not replace'
  • René Repasi (6 oktober 2023) - René Repasi – law professor in the EU Parliament
  • René Repasi, Lieselot Bisschop, Ana Vasques & Gera Noordzij (19 juni 2023) - GLOBAL ROUND UP SECTOR WEEKLY: UNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER OF WEEK-ENDED JUN 18, 2023
  • René Repasi (6 november 2022) - Germany wants to weaken the EU law on supply chains. “The documents were delivered to me. It was surprising”
  • René Repasi (7 februari 2022) - René Repasi becomes a Member of the European Parliament
  • René Repasi (12 oktober 2021) - Council of Europe extremely worried about ethnic profiling by Dutch Marechaussee
  • René Repasi (11 oktober 2021) - As Brussels plans to impose authority on Warsaw, Germany and France deliver a Polexit ultimatum.
  • René Repasi (11 oktober 2021) - Poland is on the verge of leaving the EU after judges ruled that national laws take precedence.
  • René Repasi (11 oktober 2021) - Polexit crisis: A massive pro-EU protest is planned in Warsaw, as Poles demand retaliation from Brussels.
  • René Repasi (9 oktober 2021) - Germany and France issue Polexit ultimatum as Brussels plots to impose control on Warsaw

  • Enrique Santamaria Echeverria, Koen Swinnen, René Repasi & Lieselot Bisschop (2023) - The Public-Private Challenge in Current EU Law and Policy (Participant)
    Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • René Repasi (2018) - Brexit und mögliche Auswirkungen auf Niedersachsen (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Professional
  • René Repasi (2018) - Wege zu einem sozial(er)en Europa (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • René Repasi (2018) - Legal Feasibility of a Macro-Economic Stability Mechanism for the Euro Area (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • René Repasi (2017) - Constitutional Implications of a Reform of the Eurozone Governance (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • René Repasi (2017) - The Institutional Design of EMU: Strengths and Weaknesses (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • René Repasi (2017) - Eine Europäische Arbeitslosenversicherung: Wozu? (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • René Repasi (2017) - Citizen Empowerment and Constitution Building (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • René Repasi (2017) - Cross-Cutting Crises: Comparing Euro Crisis and Migration Crisis. A Legal Perspective. (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • René Repasi (2017) - Die Rechte des Unionsbürgers, die vom EU-Recht verliehen werden, und ihre Sicherung nach dem Brexit (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic

European Law Moot Court Association

Start date approval
juli 2011
End date approval
december 9999
Moot Court Judge and Case Drafter


Start date approval
september 2017
End date approval
december 9999

European Parliament

Start date approval
augustus 2024
End date approval
juli 2027
Member of the European Parliament

Introduction to Intern. and EU Law

Year Level
bachelor 1, bachelor 1
Course Code

European Union Law

bachelor 2
Year Level
bachelor 2
Course Code

Introduction to International and EU Law

Year Level
bachelor 1, bachelor 1, bachelor 1
Course Code

European Union Law

bachelor 2
Year Level
bachelor 2
Course Code

Master thesis Commercial and Company Law

Course Code

Thesis Master Int. and Eur. Union Law

Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. R (René) Repasi

Herziening van publieke en private belangen in een veranderende wereld: René Repasi herbenoemd als hoogleraar Public and Private Interests

Per 1 januari 2025 is René Repasi herbenoemd als hoogleraar op de gezamenlijke leerstoel Public and Private Interests aan Erasmus School of Law.
Rene Repasi

'We willen naar een markt waar de consument kiest voor repareren en niet voor vervangen'

Prof.dr. René Repasi is een voorstander van het recht op reparatie, als lid van het Europees Parlement en als academicus.
Vrouw met demonstratiebord in haar hand die protesteert tegen e-waste.

René Repasi wordt lid van het Europees Parlement

Met ingang van 2 februari 2022 is René Repasi, hoogleraar Public en Private Interests, lid geworden van het Europees Parlement.
Rene Repasi

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