mr. MK (Masuma) Shahid


Researcher in the field of LGBTQ+ rights (AI, queer data, equal marriage rights/same-sex marriage) and lecturer in European Union law and international law (human rights, specialised in LGBTQ+ rights). Extensive experience in teaching, research and organisational responsibilities in various areas of law (besides European Union law and international law). Currently acting as a member of the Diversity Platform within the Erasmus School of Law. Also a co-coordinator of the LGBTQI+ Working Group of the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law (BCCE). Interested in writing on the intersection of LGBTQ+ rights & AI and queer data, LGBTQ+ rights in general, European law, international law and privacy law.

For more information about my background, most recent projects and publications I am working on, please visit my LinkedIn profile: &nbspOpent extern;

Erasmus School of Law

Lecturer | International and European Union Law (IEUR)


News regarding mr. MK (Masuma) Shahid

Homohuwelijk op Curaçao en Aruba ‘gelegaliseerd’

Masuma Shahid, promovenda aan Erasmus School of Law, vertelt over de uitspraak van de Hoge Raad van 12 juli 2024 over het homohuwelijk op Curaçao en Aruba.
Masuma Shahid - 2023

De weg naar inclusie: waar staat Nederland in de emancipatie van LHBTQIA+ personen?

Masuma Shahid, promovenda aan Erasmus School of Law, brengt in kaart welke stappen Nederland al heeft gezet en nog moet zetten in de LHBTQIA+-emancipatie.
Masuma Shahid - 2023

Grondwetswijziging voor LHBTIQ’ers en personen met beperking: waardevol of waardeloos?

Masuma Shahid, promovenda LHBTIQ+ rechten aan Erasmus School of Law, is positief over de uitbreiding van het discriminatieverbod en duidt de juridische impact.
Masuma Shahid - 2023