dr. ML (Martijn) Schippers, LL.M


Martijn L. Schippers (1990) is an Associate Professor specialized in EU Customs Law, program coordinator of the prestigious Post-Master in EU Customs Law of EFS, Erasmus University Rotterdam and member of EY's Global Trade & Customs team. He obtained a LL.M degree in Tax Law and a LL.M degree in Company Law from the Erasmus School of Law in 2014 and a Post-Master degree in EU Customs Law in 2016 from EFS, Erasmus University Rotterdam. In 2021 he obtained a PhD in customs valuation in a globalized world from the Erasmus School of Law. His PhD research was published (in Dutch) in Fiscale Monografieën (Douanewaarde in een globaliserende wereld, nr. 164). He publishes frequently about customs and indirect taxes in Dutch and international journals like Ars Aequi, EC Tax Review, GTCJ, Intertax, MBB, TFO and Wfr, and is a permanent contributor to NLFiscaal and part of the editorial board of MBB. From 2015 until 2019 he participated in and coordinated the Dutch contribution to IBFD’s project on Special Tax Zones which resulted in the publication of a book entitled: Special Tax Zones in the Era of International Tax Coordination. Together with Walter de Wit he edited a special edition of Erasmus Law Review that appeared in 2020 and reflected on the 50th anniversary of the EU Customs Union in 2018. As national reporter he takes part in the ECCE-project about customs controls on undervaluation. In 2020 he was awarded the Stevens prize established by Wolters Kluwer for his publications in 2019 and in 2022 I received the bi-annual prize for best PhD thesis about a tax matter by the Vereniging voor belastingwetenschap. Besides publishing extensively, he was one of the founding fathers of the Indirect Tax master program and he currently coordinates and teaches several courses within that program. He also gave guest lectures at the universities of Amsterdam, Maastricht, Curaçao, Antwerp and Lund, IBFD, NOB and PE Academy. In addition, he serves as the program coordinator of the Post-Master in EU Customs Law of EFS, Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is also a member of International Fiscal Association (IFA), International Network of Customs Universities (INCU), Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (de Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs or NOB) and the Association for Tax Research (Vereniging voor Belastingwetenschap). Since October 2014 Martijn is a member of EY's Global Trade & Sustainability team in the Netherlands. In that capacity he advises clients on customs, sustainability and excise related issues connected to international trade. He also acts as a knowledge champion on (EU) customs law within the Global Indirect Tax Network and is the learning coordinator of Indirect Tax Netherlands since 2019. For his publications he received the Thought Leadership Talent Award 2018 (EY Tax and Law Nederland) and the 2020 Knowledge Champion Award for Global Trade (EY’s Global Indirect Tax Network).

Erasmus School of Law

Associate professor | Tax Law


  • Martijn Schippers (15 februari 2025) - Quotes in: Aïda Brands "Gaat de wet van de jungle weer gelden in de internationale handel?"
  • Martijn Schippers (10 februari 2025) - Expert comments tijdens: NOS Radio 1 Journaal
  • Martijn Schippers (10 februari 2025) - Quotes in: "Tata Steel bezorgd om staalheffingen Trump: 'Bereiden ons voor op alle mogelijke scenario's'"
  • Martijn Schippers (3 februari 2025) - Quotes in: Charlotte Boström "Waarom Trump inzet op importheffingen, ook al helpen ze economisch niet"
  • Martijn Schippers (24 januari 2025) - Europa verwijt Trump protectionisme, maar trekt zelf ook muren op
  • Martijn Schippers (22 januari 2025) - https://nos.nl/artikel/2552862-trump-zet-de-strijd-tegen-belastingparadijzen-op-losse-schroeven
  • Martijn Schippers (4 december 2024) - Quotes ANP-artikel: EY verwacht geen handelsoorlog tussen EU en VS onder Trump
  • Martijn Schippers (29 november 2024) - Quotes in: Christof Willocx "Onveilige producten, importheffingen ontduiken en een Belgische douane die “zo lek is als een zeef”: wie kan China stoppen?"
  • Martijn Schippers (6 februari 2024) - Interview in het kader van het 6e lustrum van R.F.V. Christiaanse-Taxateur
  • Martijn Schippers (11 oktober 2023) - Per 1 oktober verplicht CBAM rapporteren over CO2-emissies non-EU-import

  • Martijn Schippers (2024) - Uitdagingen bij ondergewaardeerde goederen (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Martijn Schippers (2024) - Customs valuation in complex supply chains (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Martijn Schippers (2024) - Douanerechten, heffingen bij invoer (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Martijn Schippers (2024) - Recent Developments in Dutch Customs Penalties: Towards a More Equitable System? (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Martijn Schippers & Lisa van Esdonk-Bongaarts (2024) - Rapportageverplichtingen (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Professional
  • Martijn Schippers (2024) - Actualiteiten douanewaarde (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Professional
  • Martijn Schippers (2024) - Extraterritoriale effecten van EU hervormingen op het gebied van de indirecte belastingen en het douanerecht (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Martijn Schippers (2024) - ESG-developments and international trade (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Martijn Schippers (2024) - Hoorcollege - Plaats van dienst (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Martijn Schippers (2024) - Hoorcollege - Plaats van levering (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic

  • Martijn Schippers (2022) - Dissertatieprijs 2020 - 2021
  • Martijn Schippers (2020) - Stevensprijs 2019
  • Martijn Schippers (2020) - Knowledge Champion Award - Global Trade
  • Martijn Schippers (2018) - EY Thoughtful Leadership Talent Award 2018


Start date approval
december 2016
End date approval
december 9999


Start date approval
januari 2017
End date approval
december 9999
Vaste medewerker NTFR Beschouwingen

EY Belastingadviseurs

Start date approval
maart 2019
End date approval
december 9999

Foundation for European Fiscal Studies

Start date approval
maart 2019
End date approval
december 9999
Coordinator PMC


Start date approval
december 2022
End date approval
december 2025
Redactieraad Maandblad Belasting Beschouwingen

Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs

Start date approval
februari 2025
End date approval
februari 2028
Bestuurslid sectie douane

Value Added Tax

bachelor 2
Year Level
bachelor 2
Course Code

EU-customs law and excise duties

Year Level
Course Code

International trade

Year Level
Course Code

Indirect Tax Assurance and Technology

Course Code

Indirect Tax Policy

Course Code

Thesis Master's in Tax Law

Year Level
master, master
Course Code

News regarding dr. ML (Martijn) Schippers, LL.M

Martijn Schippers duidt Trumps nieuwe invoerheffingen en wereldwijd protectionisme

Martijn Schippers heeft recent toelichting gegeven op de plannen van president Donald Trump om de invoerheffingen in de Verenigde Staten te verhogen.
Martijn Schippers, universitair docent Douanerecht aan Erasmus School of Law

Nieuw boek biedt diepgaand inzicht in formele aspecten van douanerecht en indirecte belastingen

Het boek vormt een bron van kennis voor studenten en professionals die zich willen verdiepen in de formele regels van dit dynamische vakgebied
Boek van Schippers en Merkx

De Europese Unie bereidt strijd voor tegen oneerlijke concurrentie vanuit China

Martijn Schippers legt uit hoe wijzigingen in de douanewetgeving de concurrentiepositie van Europese landen kunnen verbeteren ten opzichte van China.
Martijn Schippers, universitair docent Douanerecht aan Erasmus School of Law

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