prof.dr. F (Fabian) Amtenbrink


For details, please visit Professor Amtenbrink

Erasmus School of Law

Full professor | Erasmus School of Law


  • Fabian Amtenbrink (30 juni 2022) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam : Is the expansion of the EU essential for a strong position on the world stage?
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (26 april 2022) - Professor of EU law is skeptical about the rapid accession of Ukraine to the EU
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (4 maart 2022) - “Rapid accession of Ukraine to the European Union is very unrealistic”
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (1 maart 2022) - Onrealistisch dat Oekraïne op korte termijn lid wordt van EU
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (1 maart 2022) - Unrealistic that Ukraine will join the EU in the short term
  • Fabian Amtenbrink, Martin de Jong, Suzan Stoter & Mary Pieterse - Bloem (9 november 2021) - Can the law be the key to greening the economy?
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (4 juni 2021) - In Duplo organises succesful congress in Arminius
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (22 januari 2021) - EUTIP Network Conference – The Future of EU Trade and Investment Policy
  • Fabian Amtenbrink, René Repasi & Lieselot Bisschop (18 januari 2021) - Lieselot Bisschop and René Repasi appointed as Professors of Public and Private Interests
  • Fabian Amtenbrink, Pieter Desmet & Elena Reznichenko (15 januari 2021) - Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko and Pieter Desmet appointed as Professors of Quantitative Empirical Legal Studies

  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2024) - Why and how climate change mitigation activities of central banks do not only challenge their independence but also democratic legitimacy (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2024) - in Search of Fiscal Stability in the Euro Area’, at the expert roundtable ‘The reformed Stability and Growth Pact – towards stability-oriented fiscal policy in the EU?’ (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2024) - The ECB’s public sector securities buying programmes – time for a final EU (legal) assessment? (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2024) - Monetary and Fiscal Policy Integration in European Economic and Monetary Union: Two Sides of the Same Coin (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2024) - Implementing the EU’s Industrial Policy through European Economic and Monetary Union – A Viable Strategy? (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2024) - Brill Publishers (Publisher) (Reviewer)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2024) - European Law Review (Journal) (Reviewer)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2024) - Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (Journal) (Reviewer)
    Activiteit: Editorial work Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink & Diane Fromage (2023) - The ECB's Monterey policy today. Legal perspective. (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2023) - Discussant on panel 3: 'Bigger Picture: Crises, Crossroads, and Evolution’ (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2023) - The Fiscal Capacity of the European Union to Cope with Economic Crises (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2023) - What to learn from SURE and NextGenEU for the establishment of a permanent supranational shock absorption capacity (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2023) - Solidarity and Resilience in European Economic and Monetary Union (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2023) - Towards a robust and permanent shock absorption capacity for the EU: economic and political rational, and important lessons to be learned from SURE and NextGenerationEU (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2022) - On the need for a permanent supranational shock-absorption and crisis mitigation capacity and the lessons to be learned from NextGenerationEU (and SURE) (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2022) - The broader implications of NextGenerationEU for the future fiscal capacity of the EU (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2022) - The European Union’s Fiscal Architecture: Contributing to Financial Stability (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2022) - The Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism before the European Court of Justice: Hungary’s and Poland’s action for annulment against Regulation 2020/2029 (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Fabian Amtenbrink (2022) - Monetary Union after NextGenerationEU (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic

  • Fabian Amtenbrink (1999) - Praemium Erasmianum PhD Research Prize
  • F (Fabian) Amtenbrink (1999) - Praemium Erasmianum Foundation Research Prize

College of Europe

Start date approval
april 2024
End date approval
april 2027
Seminar van in totaal 27 uur + tentamen 5 uur

Law and Policy of European Integration

Year Level
Course Code

The Law of the Euro and Financial Market

Year Level
Course Code

Legal Protection in the European Union

Year Level
Course Code

Thesis Master Int. and Eur. Union Law

Course Code

Research and Writing Skills

Year Level
Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. F (Fabian) Amtenbrink

Is uitbreiding van de EU nodig voor een sterke positie op het wereldtoneel?

Fabian Amtenbrink, hoogleraar Recht van de Europese Unie, reflecteert op de economische en militaire betekenis van de EU voor haar lidstaten.
Fabian Amtenbrink

Hoogleraar EU-recht sceptisch over snelle toelating Oekraïne tot de EU

Fabian Amtenbrink, hoogleraar Recht van de Europese Unie, legt uit waarom hij een snelle toetreding tot de EU door Oekraïne onwaarschijnlijk acht.
Fabian Amtenbrink

“Snelle toetreding tot Europese Unie voor Oekraïne zeer onrealistisch”

Oekraïne wil zich aansluiten bij de EU, maar Fabian Amtenbrink, hoogleraar Recht van de Europese Unie, stelt dat toetreding op korte termijn onrealistisch is.
Fabian Amtenbrink

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