Supervision, training and supervision plan (TSP)

Erasmus Graduate School of Law
Foto van studenten die overleggen in Polak

Every PhD candidate needs to have two supervisors (or one supervisor and one co-supervisor. Co-supervisor when (s)he is not a full professor).

The Training and Supervision Plan is an important tool in the guidance of PhD researchers. Agreements regarding the objectives and a project plan are recorded in this document, and it is this blueprint of the future that is used for evaluation during meetings involving the PhD researcher and his/her Doctorate Committee. In this plan, PhD researchers indicate which courses they will follow, and agreements are made about the guidance and supervision.

Throughout the EGSL training and educational programme, PhD researchers receive professional guidance from various senior researchers, a process that is monitored through an internal system of quality control. Each PhD researcher is assigned to an EGSL Doctorate Committee, which plays an important role in evaluating the substance and progress of the PhD project at several stages of the trajectory. For PhD researchers at EGSL more information about the EGSL Doctorate Committee, the go no go meeting and the progress meetings can be found on MyEUR.

For all PhD candidates, a completed TSP is required within three months after the start, drafted by the PhD researcher and approved by the supervisors.

The form can be downloaded bellow.

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen