Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
Assistant professor | Health Care Governance (HCG)
More information
- Teyler van Muijden, Violet Steeghs, Marcello Aspria, Roland Bal & Hester van de Bovenkamp (2025) - Frontline professionals’ experiences of navigating boundaries in a layered care and support system for individuals with complex care needs in the Netherlands - Social Science and Medicine, 366 - doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2025.117692 - [link]
- Justine van de Beek, Violet Steeghs, Femke Hilverda & Anna Petra Nieboer (2025) - Unraveling the threads of vulnerability and resilience: Young men's journey through unintended fatherhood - Journal of Family Research, 37, 26-42 - doi: 10.20377/jfr-1038
- Justine van de Beek, Femke Hilverda, Violet Petit-Steeghs & Anna Petra Nieboer (2025) - Dutch maternity care providers’ attitudes toward and support of young fathers: A cross-sectional survey-based study - Midwifery, 140 - doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2024.104229 - [link]
- Teyler van Muijden, Leonoor Gräler, Job van Exel, Hester van de Bovenkamp & Violet Petit-Steeghs (2024) - Different views on collaboration between older persons, informal caregivers and care professionals - Health Expectations, 27 (3) - doi: 10.1111/hex.14091 - [link]
- Violet Petit-Steeghs, Hager Hussein, Sakina Bachriouri, Ghilles Sedik, Justine van de Beek & Femke Hilverda (2023) - ‘Je begrijpt mij wel, toch?’.: Gezondheidsonderzoek binnen de Marokkaanse gemeenschap in Nederland - KWALON. Tijdschrift voor Kwalitatief Onderzoek in Nederland, 119-130 - doi: 10.5117/kwa2023.2.007.peti
- Violet Steeghs, Leonoor Gräler, Stefanie De Cuba, Marte Wachter, Teyler van Muijden, Job van Exel & Hester van de Bovenkamp (2023) - Spanningen in de samenwerking tussen cliënt, mantelzorger en zorgverlener - Geron : tijdschrift over ouder worden en samenleving, 25 (1) - [link]
- Violet Steeghs, Hans Vollaard, Teyler van Muijden, Marcello Aspria, Hester van de Bovenkamp & Roland Bal (2023) - Lessen uit de aanpak van verward gedrag: leren(d) verbeteren binnen imperfecte regio’s - [link]
- Azadeh Abravan, Dora Correia, Anne Gasnier, Stella Shakhverdian, Tirza van der Stok, Jenny Bertholet, Ludwig Dubois, Barbara Jereczek-Fossa, Matteo Eng, Mateusz Spalek , Steven Petit, Pierfrancesco Franco & Violet Steeghs (2023) - Qualitative Study on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Within Radiation Oncology in Europe - International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 116 (2), 246-256 - doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.02.009 - [link]
- Violet Steeghs, Leonoor Gräler, Teyler van Muijden, Stefanie De Cuba, Marte Wachter, Job van Exel & Hester van de Bovenkamp (2022) - Tussenrapportage: Samen werken aan een betere samenwerking. Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus Universiteit.
- Carina Pittens, Jennifer Dhont, Steven Petit, Ludwig Dubois, Pierfrancesco Franco, Laura Mullaney, Marianne Aznar, Violet Petit-Steeghs & Jenny Bertholet (2022) - An impact model to understand and improve work-life balance in early-career researchers in radiation oncology - Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 37, 101-108 - doi: 10.1016/j.ctro.2022.09.006 - [link]
- Violet Petit-Steeghs, Carina A.C.M. Pittens, Jurriaan Oosterman & Jacqueline E.W. Broerse (2021) - Co-creating an empowering health education intervention for urological cancer patients - Health Education Journal, 80 (8), 948-960 - doi: 10.1177/00178969211035169 - [link]
- Violet Steeghs, G IK Mogami-Asselin, M D Nijenkamp, Marjolein Spoel, J EW Broerse & CACM Pittens (2020) - Empowering Patients and Health Professionals to Address Sexual Health in the Context of Anorectal Malformations and Hirschsprung’s Disease - Qualitative Health Research, 30 (13), 2033-2048 - doi: 10.1177/1049732320944653 - [link]
- Violet Petit - Steeghs, TJ Schuitmaker-Warnaar, FA Pruijssers, G van Oortmerssen & JEW Broerse (2020) - A qualitative research on co-creating care pathways for Sarcoma and GIST by stimulating reflection - International Journal of Care Coordination, 23 (1), 24-32 - doi: 10.1177/2053434520907743
- Violet Petit - Steeghs, CACM Pittens, MJM Barnhoorn & JEW Broerse (2019) - Challenge of Managing insecurities": Parents' experiences with the care for their child with congenital hernia diaphragmatica - Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 24, e12247 - doi: 10.1111/jspn.12247 - [link]
- Violet Petit - Steeghs, SR Lips, TJ Schuitmaker-Warnaar & JEW Broerse (2019) - Client-centred maternity care from women's perspectives: Need for responsiveness. - Midwifery, 74, 76-83 - doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2019.03.016 - [link]
- Violet Petit - Steeghs (2019) - Enhancing Patient-Centred Care through Co-creation and Empowerment
- Violet Steeghs, Femke Hilverda, Justine van de Beek & Anna Petra Nieboer (2025) - Open & Responsible Science Award
Module Knowledge
- Level
- bachelor 1
- Year Level
- bachelor 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- GW114K
Academic Development & Skills
- Level
- bachelor 1
- Year Level
- bachelor 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- GW114AVV
Thesis HCM
- Level
- master - jaar 2
- Year Level
- master - jaar 2
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- GW4030MD