Briefing papers
van Keeken, D., Jacobs, W., Fuelling Change: Digitalisation of the biofuel supply chain.
Briefing paper 4, December 2024, Erasmus Commodity & Trade Centre.
Arkhipov-Goyal, A., Carbon markets: Could COP29 be a tipping point for global emissions
trading? Briefing paper 3, November 2024, Erasmus Commodity & Trade Centre.
Widdershoven, C., The new geopolitics of oil. Briefing paper 2, November 2023, Erasmus Commodity & Trade Centre.
Ackerman, W., Small-scale LNG: a red herring or a hidden opportunity?, Briefing paper 1, August 2023, Erasmus Commodity & Trade Centre.
Binnenkort beschikbaar.
- Lessen uit 25 jaar energiemarkt [NL]: Luister hierOpent extern
- Episode 1: De Makers van de Stroommarkt: Luister hierOpent extern
Arkhipov-Goyal, A., Correlje, A., Jacobs, W., Linde, van der, C., Notermans, I., Raak, van, R., Rodhouse, T., and Stapersma, P. Hydrogen To Be: Geopolitical and Societal Implications of Emerging Low-Carbon Hydrogen Trade and Supply Networks in the ARRRA SuperclusterOpent extern. Research Report, 2023. Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP), Dutch Research Institute For Transitions (DRIFT), Erasmus Commodity & Trade Centre (ECTC), Technology, Policy and Management Faculty of TU Delft (TU Delft TPM). Supported by the Resilient Delta initiative, SmartPort, Port of Rotterdam Authority, and the Province of South Holland.
van Son, L., Arkhipov-Goyal, A., Jacobs, W., den Ouden, B., van den Berghe, K., and van Vliet, R.J., CommodipHy: The commodification of ammonia and the role of Rotterdam as a global pricing centre. Research Report, Erasmus Commodity and Trade Centre, 2023. Supported by the Resilient Delta initiative.
Academische Publicaties
Van den Berghe, K., Peris, A., Meijers, E. and W. Jacobs (2022), Friends with benefits: the emergence of the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp polycentric port region, Territory, Politics, Governance, externalOpent extern.
Boek hoofdstukken
Van den Berghe, K., Peris, A., and Jacobs, W. Chapter 12: The emergence of polycentric port regions. The case of ARA and the US Gulf Coast; in Ducruet, C., and Notteboom T., (eds.), Port Systems in Global Competition: Spatial-Economic Perspectives on the Co-Development of Seaports, Routledge 2023, ISBN 9781032327730.
Jacobs, W. (2021), ‘Going where no else would go’ in the digital age, In: Kingsman, J. (ed.), Commodity crops & the Merchants who trade them. Independently published, pp. 237-247.
Jacobs, W. and R. Horster (2020), Commodity supply networks as complex adaptive system. How commodity and freight markets respond to a supply shock, In: Wilmsmeier, G. and J. Monios (eds.) Geographies of maritime transport, Edward Elgar.
Jacobs, W. (2018), Commodity traders as agents of globalization, In: Hoyler, M., Watson, A. and C. Parnreiter (eds), Global City Makers, Edward Elgar.