
448 search results for EsCHER scholarship 2022-2023 in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • (Rio) R Widianto
    Rio Widianto is a PhD researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. His PhD project is based on insights from…
  • (Yixiang) Y Que, MA
  • (Yuhan) Y Ou
  • Molecular Medicine
    Research Master in Molecular Medicine: Bring yourself to the forefront of developments in biomedical science: Read more about this programme.
  • Registration and Introduction
    To officially get started as a PhD candidate at EUR, you need to be registered in the Hora Finita registration system. Read more.
  • Boundaries by Design
    How Dutch and American Designers Navigate Multiple Fields Design emerged in the 20th century as an essential competitive advantage in current markets. Having…
  • University Council
    The purpose of the University Council is representing the community, creating an inspirational and sustainable work and study environment.
  • (Irene) I Among
    Irene Among is a PhD. Candidate on a joint candidature between Ruhr University Bochum Germany and the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus…
    Netherlands-Asia Honours Summer School: actively focuses on carrying out the importance of Asia-related knowledge and experiences.
  • What to arrange: bank account, insurance, taxes, etc.
    Work while you study: So, you found a side-job or internship and you cannot wait to get started! Before you do, please have a look at the practicalities that you

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