Students Erasmus School of Economics celebrating bachelor degree

On October 29 and 30, all Bachelor students of Erasmus School of Economics were handed-out their diploma during a festive ceremony to commemorate the impressive accomplishment of obtaining one’s bachelor degree.

The Bachelor students of the study programme Economie & Bedrijfseconomie received their diploma on Tuesday October 29 and the students of the study programmes Econometrie & Operationele research, Fiscale Economie (Economics of Taxations), IBEB and Economie & Informatica (Economics & Informatics) on Wednesday October 30.

Besides the handing-out of the diplomas, the programme featured interesting keynote speeches from alumni and former Minister of Finance Jan Kees de Jager and from Jan Peter Balkenende (former Prime Minister of the Netherlands). Next to these interesting keynote speeches, cum laude student Freek van Gils (on Tuesday) and summa cum laude student Kevin Dalmeijer (on Wednesday) shared their Bachelor experiences with the audience and students and guests enjoyed a spectacular dance intermezzo.

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