Marieke Meeuwisse researches diversity and inclusivity

Photo: Bibi Veth
Bibi Veth

Marieke Meeuwisse researches diversity and inclusivity in colleges. Two elements that seem to play a significant role in the progress of students are gender and immigration. Meeuwisse wants to bring some more equality into that discrepancy. 

Marieke Meeuwsisse is a new ambassador of Community for Learning and Innovation and assistant professor she is involved with Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB). Diversity and inclusivity are the common thread that can be found throughout her research. ‘The theme is really alive and well in higher education at the moment. More than that, it’s one of the strategical themes of Erasmus University. We want to educate students in a cosmopolitan context that considers how much has changed because of globalisation and migration,’ says Meeuwisse. 

Read the whole interview with ea. magazine.

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