Kristiaan Glorie wins 2nd prize in INFORMS student paper competition

Kristiaan Glorie, PhD student at ERIM and the Econometric Institute, is recently awarded the 2nd Prize in the 2013 INFORMS Health Applications Society Student Paper Competition. The prize winners were announced at a healthcare conference in Chicago, organized by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.

Four finalists had been selected for papers judged to be the best in the field of health applications, both in terms of methodology and potential for impact. Of the finalists, Glorie was the only one from a university outside of North America.

Glories paper, entitled Iterative Branch-and-Price for Hierarchical Multi-Criteria Kidney Exchange, is joint work with his PhD supervisors Albert P.M. Wagelmans and Joris van de Klundert (Institute of Health Policy & Management). It presents an advanced mathematical programming method for assigning kidney patients to donors when there are many patients and donors and multiple criteria have to be taken into account. This research is part of an ongoing cooperation between researchers at the Erasmus School of Economics, the Institute of Health Policy & Management, Erasmus MC and the Dutch Transplant Foundation (NTS). A related paper was recently accepted for publication in Transplantation, one of the top journals on surgery.

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