Honorary doctorate for Prof. Willem Molle from the University of Gdańsk

On 14 November 2013, Professor Willem Molle received an honorary doctorate from the University of Gdańsk. With this award the University recognized the work of the eminent economist for his contribution to the peaceful cooperation of states and peoples by promoting the development of European economic integration. 

Dean of the Faculty of Economics Prof. Krzysztof Dobrowolski stated at the ceremony that Prof. Willem Molle received this honorary doctorate in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the bringing to life of the idea of peaceful international cooperation and European integration through scientific, educational and consultant activities. Prof. Willem Molle’s cooperation with the University of Gdańsk began in the 1970s. Over the past decades it involved recurring visits during which he gave lectures, contributed to conferences and participated in meetings with staff. Particularly intensive was his cooperation with the Research Centre on European Integration.

Prof. Anna Zielińska-Głębocka of the review committee emphasized that in his professional life Prof. Molle combined three roles: first an innovative researcher, dealing primarily with applied policy oriented research, second an excellent advisor and manager, who knows how to mobilize the cooperation of scientists and institutions in different countries, and third an academic teacher who has educated many generations of economists.

In his eulogy, the title promoter Prof. Andrzej Stępniak of the Faculty of Economics UG said that Prof. Molle published the best and most popular textbook on European integration, translated into Polish and several other languages. Moreover he has authored and co-authored more than 20 books in the field of European and worldwide integration, in particular on the dynamics of integration, economic governance and cohesion. He has moreover published many articles on these subjects in scientific journals. His work is very often cited by his colleagues.

In his scientific address to this special meeting of the Senate of the University of Gdansk Prof. Willem Molle assessed the progress of the European integration in the past and gave his vision on its further development in the future. He stressed the role of the EU in contributing to a better organization of the world of tomorrow.

In his final words Professor Molle expressed his sincere gratitude to the University of Gdansk for bestowing on him this great honour. He expressed also thanks to his many colleagues for their support to his research and teaching: notably those of the Netherlands Economic Institute, of Ecorys, and the Erasmus University of Rotterdam.

More information
  • Click here for the address 'Dynamics of European Economic Integration' of Prof. Willem Molle at the occasion of the award of Doctor Honoris Cause of the University of Gdansk on the 14th of November 2013.
  • Click here for the paper 'Prof. Dr Willem Molle - European Economist'. 

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