Energizing activities to re-engage your students during class

Energizers are short and fun activities to inject energy into the classroom. They are especially useful after a break or a mainly passive activity. Through physical movement and creative expression, students become more cognitively and emotionally available for learning. In this document you will find 8 easy-to-implement energizers to boost energy, focus, and positivity with your students.  

  1. High-Five Huddle: 
    • Have students gather in a circle and do a quick round of high-fives, exchanging positive energy and enthusiasm. Encourage them to maintain eye contact and offer a smile with each high-five.
  2. Name Toss: 
    • Ask students to stand in a circle and toss a small soft ball or beanbag to each other while saying the name of the person they are throwing it to. The goal is to pass the object quickly and keep everyone engaged and focused.
  3. Dance Break: 
    • Play an upbeat song and invite students to have a spontaneous dance break. Encourage them to let loose, move their bodies, and enjoy the rhythm. This activity helps release tension and boosts energy levels.
  4. Word Association: 
    • Stand in a circle and have each student quickly say a word that comes to mind. The next student has to say a word that is related to the previous one. Keep the momentum going, creating a rapid-fire chain of words. This activity stimulates quick thinking and encourages creativity.
  5. Quick Stretch: 
    • Lead students in a series of simple stretching exercises. Include stretches for the neck, shoulders, arms, and legs. Encourage deep breaths during the stretches to help students feel refreshed and energized.
  6. Group Clap: 
    • Have students stand in a circle and start a rhythmic clapping pattern. Each student, in turn, adds their own unique clap to the sequence. The pattern continues to build as each student adds their contribution. This activity promotes coordination, teamwork, and a sense of unity.
  7. Quick Draw: 
    • Provide each student with a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Set a timer for 30 seconds and ask students to draw a simple object or symbol that represents something they are passionate about or brings them joy. After the time is up, have them share their drawings with a partner or the group, briefly explaining the significance.
  8. Word Snap: 
    • Prepare a set of word cards with positive or energizing words. Distribute the cards randomly among the students. On your signal, students must find a partner whose word card "snaps" together with theirs, creating a meaningful pairing. This activity encourages quick connections and creates a positive atmosphere.

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