
  • PhD defence T.E. (Tobias) Sangers

    Exploring Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Health in Skin Cancer Care: From development to implementation
  • PhD defence H.E. (Heleen) Vellekoop

    The Value of Personalised Medicine from a Health Economics Perspective
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  • PhD defence S.S. (Sanne) Mooldijk

    Dementia in the Ageing Population: Understanding determinants and the natural disease course
  • PhD defence M.M.J. (Milanne) Galekop

    Beyond the Plate: An early health technology assessment of the potential of personalized nutrition
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  • PhD defence A. (Annalisa) Costella

    On Having, and Making, Choices: The value of choice for autonomy, decision-making, and freedom
  • Sustainability Summit 2024

    Together, we can explore what universities can do differently to implement new policies and foster a collaborative movement toward sustainability.
    Studenten zijn bezig met het verduurzamen van de campus
  • PhD defence A.J.M. (Meike) van de Sande

    Save the Cervix - Treatment of primary and recurrent CIN: The role of imiquimod and LLETZ
  • PhD defence A.T.A. (Andre) Loozekoot

    Drumming the Drums for Accountability: Explaining financial oversight performance by Parliaments and Supreme Audit Institutes in Africa
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  • Workshop RefWorks

    With RefWorks, you can easily capture, manage, save and share references in your own personal database.
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  • Valedictory Lecture Prof.dr. C.J. (Cees) Loonstra

    Employment Contract and Authority Relationship: A never-ending story
    Foto van prof. Cees Loonstra

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