Our aim is to develop thought-provoking philosophical perspectives on contemporary global challenges, combining academic excellence with engaged scholarship, building on a range of philosophical approaches and seeking collaboration with other disciplines as well as with societal actors.
Our research aspires to be internationally leading and to push the boundaries of philosophical thinking, actively seeking close collaborations with researchers from other fields. We actively contribute to EUR Research Initiatives, Strategy 2024 and Convergence with ErasmusMC and TU Delft. In many areas of research, methodologies are changing, as research aspires to become more collaborative, inclusive and interactive, more sensitive to societal expectations and concerns, and better equipped to effectively address urgent and complex societal challenges. We are eager to address methodological, ethical and integrity challenges that arise from this in close collaboration with colleagues from other fields. Our research combines a focus on academic excellence with a strong commitment to collaborative interdisciplinary work, both nationally and internationally. Last but not least, we aim to provide an excellent research environment and training program for early-stage researchers.
In order to focus our commitment to new research opportunities and future forms of collaboration, four research themes have been defined within our evolving portfolio of activities at ESPhil, each of which represent a specific area of expertise. These four themes are: The Making of Modernity, Human Conditions, Colliding Worldviews and Philosophy of Economics. Each of the themes not only refers to a specialised research field at ESPhil; they also serve to structure our educational curriculum, our collaboration with external parties and our commitment to societal debate. Our research projects and institutes can be found under our themes:
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Faculty Colloquia
The faculty colloquia aim to cover the broad scope of Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil).
Part-time PhD programme
Learn more about our part-time PhD programme