Our Researchers

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Our researchers advance science and the scientific education of our students by having an intrinsically driven mindset across roles and disciplines, and by making effective connections and building national and international strategic networks with stakeholders.

Overview of our researchers

  • (Basil) MB Holderied, MSc

    (Basil) MB Holderied, MSc
  • mr.dr. (Nina) NL Holvast

    Nina Holvast is an interdisciplinairy researcher, who uses multi-method research methods to study the Law in Action. Her research focusses on courts, judicial…
    mr.dr. (Nina) NL Holvast
  • (Julie) JSJAM Hoppenbrouwers

    Julie Hoppenbrouwers is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of Law, department Law and Markets. Her research focuses on disruptive technologies in the legal…
    (Julie) JSJAM Hoppenbrouwers

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