Presentations/Keynote Speeches/Invited Talks and Guest Lectures

On this page, you can find the keynote speeches, presentations, guest lectures and invited talks given by the Sectorplan members.

  • 14 June 2024, Koen Swinnen - “Eigendom van data: feit of fictie?” at ‘Relatiedag College voor de toelating van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden (Ctbg)’ in Ede, the Netherlands.

  • 11 June 2024, Lieselot Bisschop: Lawful but awful. DuPont de Nemours/Chemours, Dordrecht, the Netherlands. Presentation in Panel 3 on Exploring Business-related Human Rights Violations, National PFAS Conference, Michigan, US. 
  • 11 June 2024, Lieselot Bisschop: Historical PFAS pollution as a state-facilitated corporate crime. Findings from a case study research about DuPont de Nemours/Chemours Dordrecht (the Netherlands) – National PFAS Conference, Poster
  • 6 June 2024, , Lieselot Bisschop: Voor altijd vervuild. Forever Pollution in the Lage Landen, met Sammie Verbeek en Aaron Bron, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie
  • 6 June 2024, , Lieselot Bisschop: De keerzijde van grenzeloze groei, met Karin van Wingerde en Sammie Verbeek, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie
  • 6 March 2024, Martijn Schippers: Presentation “Customs valuation” at the EIPA – EU Customs Law Course for EC officials.
  • 11 March 2024, Martijn Schippers: Presentation “SDG and customs” at the EIPA – EU Customs Law Course for EC officials.
  • April 2024: Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “The Green Industrial Plan and Market Instrumentalism”, at ‘Tilburg Research Week: Constitutionalizing the Anthropocene’ at the University of Tilburg in Tilburg, the Netherlands.
  • 15 May 2024, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Archipelagos of Illiberalism. Populism and Right-Wing Legal Mobilization”, during workshop “Populism and its networks: diffusion, learning, and illiberal policy change”, European University Institute.
  • 17 May 2024, Koen Swinnen: Presentation “Access to Online Accounts After Death Under Dutch Law: Looking Across the Eastern Border”, at ‘First Private Law Encounter Erasmus School of Law’ at Goethe Universitat Frankfurt in Frankfurt, Germany.
  • 17 May 2024, Martien Schaub: Presentation “Online Marketplaces” at the Private Law Exchange Program at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.
  • May 2024, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Rethinking Capitalism in Europe in the Path to Sustainability”, EUI State of the Union Conference, European University Institute (May 2024).

  • 27 February 2023, Martijn Schippers: Presentation “Risk of customs undervaluation” at the event ‘Challenges of the customs valuation system in the EU’ at Lisbon University in Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 1 March 2023, Martijn Schippers: Presentation “Customs valuation” at Maastricht University in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
  • 16 March 2023, Enrique Santamaria: Presentation “The Human Body Commons: A Private Law Contribution for the Advancement of the Right to Health” at ‘Property Law Reform, Sustainability and the Commons Conference’, in Leuven, Belgium.
  • 16 March 2023, Martijn Schippers: Presentation “Perikelen rondom de douanewaarde en transfer pricing” at the annual Congress ‘NOB Bedrijffiscalisten’.
  • 17 March 2023, Liesbeth Enneking: Presentation “People, Planet Procederen? Over IMVO, Due Diligence en zorgplichten” at the Seminar ‘Toga aan de Maas Lustrum: Togadragers van de toekomst’, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 22 March 2023, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Right-Wing Epistemic Legal Mobilization”, at Workshop ‘Populism, non-state actors, and legal mobilization in Europe’, in Florence, Italy.
  • April 2023, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and the Legal Rationalities of the European Green Deal”, at ‘Sustainability and Corporate Accountability’, at the University of Oslo in Oslo, Norway.
  • 5 May 2023, Alberto Quintavalla: Presentation “More Public to the Private: Protecting 21st century challenges? Private Law Consortium” at City University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China.
  • 11 May 2023, Alberto Quintavalla: Presentation “The Elusive Relationship Between the Right to a Healthy Environment and Energy” at the Journal of Human Rights & Environment Workshop at the University of Cardiff.
  • 11 May 2023, Liesbeth Enneking: Presentation “Responsible Business Conduct in Global Value Chains” at the Seminar ‘RSM alumni roundtable Let’s Talk Supply Chain!’ in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 25 May 2023, Enrique Santamaria: Presentation at Seminar at the Graduate School of Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogota, Colombia.
  • 6 June 2023, Liesbeth Enneking: Presentation “Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence – An Introduction to the CSDDD” at the Seminar ‘EUR/RUG Seminar Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive’, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 7 June 2023, Koen Swinnen: Inaugural lecture ‘Data en het goederenrecht: een onoverbrugbare kloof?’ at the Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 19 June 2023, Enrique Santamaria: Presentation “The European Health Data Space. A blanket authorization for health data capture?” at Seminar ‘Symposium Health and Genetic Data: Legal, Governance and Administrative Transformations’.
  • 22-23 June 2023, María Campo Comba: Presentation “EU Competition Law Beyond Economic Efficiency in Markets: Contemplating Fairness and Societal Values” at ‘IISL Workshop Oñati’, Oñati, Spain.
  • 23 June 2023, Enrique Santamaria: Presentation “The Human Body Commons: A Private Law Contribution for the Advancement of the Right to Health” at Conference: 2023 Petrie-Flom Center Annual Conference: Health Law as Private Law, in Cambridge, MA, United States.
  • 23 June 2023, Michal Stambulski: Presentation ‘The Political Economy of Populist Constitutionalism’ at workshop ‘Constitutionalism and Political Economy: New Trajectories and Opportunities for Socio-Legal Scholarship’ in Oñati, Spain.
  • 28 June - 1 July 2023, María Campo Comba: Presentation “EU Competition Law At A Crossroads To Face Modern Societal Challenges: a focus on the sustainability and the digital challenges” at ‘ASCOLA Conference 2023’ in Athens, Greece.
  • June 2023, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “The Law and Political Economy of the European Green Deal”, at ‘Constitutionalism and Political Economy’ at the Oñati International Institute.
  • 19 July 2023, Alberto Quintavalla: Presentation “A Systematic Approach to Human Rights Challenges of AI: The Case of Internet of Bodies” at Economic and Legal Challenges in the Advent of Smart Products at the Bielefeld University.
  • 19 July 2023, Enrique Santamaria: Presentation “A Systematic Approach to Human Rights Challenges of AI: The Case of Internet Bodies” at ‘Conference: Economic and Legal Challenges in Advent of Smart Products’, in Bielefeld, Germany.
  • July 2023, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “The Legal Construction of Markets and the Logic of Capitalism”, at ‘Revisiting the ‘constitutive idea’: limitations, genealogy, scholarship’ at the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  • 14 September 2023, Martijn Schippers: Presentation “The Role and Validity of Delegated and Implementing Acts under the Union Customs Code” at the Intertax-seminar on Legitimacy of the decision-making process in tax.
  • 22 September 2023, Martijn Schippers: Presentation “Geopolitieke ontwikkelingen en CBAM” at the Congress ‘LOF Future of Taxation’.
  • 28 September 2023, Enrique Santamaria: Presentation “Looking for the common good in Health Governance” at ‘The Public-Private Challenge in Current EU Law and Policy Conference’, in Brussels, Belgium.
  • 28 September 2023, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and the Legal Rationalities of the European Green Deal”, at ‘The Public-Private Challenge in Current EU Law and Policy Conference’, in Brussels, Belgium.
  • 28 September 2023, Martien Schaub: Presentation “New trends in Consumer Protection: the new Product Liability Directive” at ‘The Public-Private Challenge in Current EU Law and Policy’ Conference in Brussels, Belgium.
  • 6 October 2023, Enrique Santamaria: Presentation “Human Body Commons for Research and Development: The Case of Data Cooperatives” at ‘Workshop on The Health of the Union, Ideas for a European Legal Framework for R&D’, in Pisa, Italy.
  • 14 October 2023, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Populism and the Politics of Human Rights. Case of Poland”, at the ‘IV Conferenza Annuale di ICONS Italia ‘Politica e Istitutzioni tra Transformazioni e Riforme’ in Milan, Italy.
  • October 2023, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “The Intellectual History of Human Rights Due Diligence”, at ‘New Approaches to Global Corporate Accountability’ at the University of Glasgow in Glasgow, Scotland.
  • October 2023, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation at ‘Webinar Roundtable, The Rule of Law and Corporate Actors’ at Wageningen University.
  • 2 November 2023, Lieselot Bisschop: Presentation “Een terugblik op de ontwikkelingen in de publieke(-private) aanpak van georganiseerde drugscriminaliteit in de Rotterdamse en Antwerpse haven” at the Workshop ‘De Nederlandse Veiligheidsagenda 2023-2026: Belgische en Nederlandse academische perspectieven’, at the Dutch Ministry of Safety and Justice (Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie), in The Hague, the Netherlands.
  • 29 November 2023, Alberto Quintavalla: Presentation “Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights Human rights & Algorithmic inequality: Governance, representation and rights in Artificial Intelligence” at the Barcelona Center for International Affairs in Barcelona, Spain.
  • 6 December 2023, Alberto Quintavalla: Presentation at the book launch of ‘Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights’ at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.
  • 15 December 2023, Martijn Schippers & W. de Wit: Presentation “Advance rulings in customs matters - A comparison with other major customs jurisdictions” at the first ECCE conference at the University of Valencia in Valencia, Spain.

  • January 2022, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Legal Theory in Search of Social Transformation” at ‘The Transformative Law of Political Economy in Europe: Mobilizing Legal Institutional Imagination’, at Copenhagen Business School in Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • 19 May 2022, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Constitutional and Populist Mind” at Populism and Authority of Liberal Constitutionalism Workshop in Onati, Spain.
  • 20 May 2022, María Campo Comba: Presentation “EU Competition Law and Sustainability: exploring an approach focused on the objectives of sustainability agreements” at Seminar ‘Using the Law to Save the Planet’ in Rotterdam.
  • 5 June 2022, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Epistemic Authority of Constitutional Court in Poland” at ‘ICONS Annual Conference: Global Problems and Prospects in Public Law Conference’ in Wroclaw, Poland.
  • 17 June 2022, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Populist Jurisprudence? Examining Selected Case Law of the Polish Constitutional Court (2017-2022)”, at the ‘Comparing Populisms and Democracies: Local Specificities in the Rule of Law Crisis (and its Resolution?)’ Conference at the West University of Timisoara.
  • July 2022, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Economic Planning for Sustainability: Creating Markets for New Energy Vehicles” at the ‘Law and Society Association Annual Meeting’.
  • July 2022, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Economic Planning for Sustainability: Creating Markets for New Energy Vehicles”, at the ‘Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics Annual Meeting’.
  • July 2022, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Reshoring Production or Supply Chain Resilience? Shifting Accounts of Sustainability in the Battery Supply Chain”, at the ‘Law and the Infrastructure of Global Commerce’ Conference at the University of Amsterdam in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 15 July 2022, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Legal Epistemic Authority – Dynamics and Development in times of populism” at ‘Global Meeting on Law & Society: Rage, Reckoning and Remedy Conference’ in Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 22 July 2022, Enrique Santamaria: Presentation “Should human biological material and associated data for research be treated as commons? Towards a satisfactory legal framework at the intersection of private law, human rights and the protection of public interests” at the ‘16th World Congress of Bioethics 2022’ in Basel, Switzerland.
  • 31 August 2022, Enrique Santamaria: Presentation “Mining the Human Body. A Commons Approach Against the Enclosure of Personal Data and Scientific Knowledge” at the ‘Critical Legal Conference’ in Tromso, Norway.
  • September 2022, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “The Market as an Instrument of Planning in Sustainability Capitalism”, at the ‘World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research Annual Conference’.
  • 20 October 2022, María Campo Comba: Presentation “EU competition law and sustainability: going beyond market interests” at the workshop ‘The need for a more coherent Sustainability and Law framework to address crises relating to the Earth’s Planetary Boundaries’ in Rotterdam.
  • 24-25 November 2022, María Campo Comba: Presentation “El desafío del Derecho de la Competencia europea de abordar nuevos retos económico-sociales más allá del planteamiento más económico del bienestar del consumidor” at the International Conference “Competencia Y Regulación De Plataformas E Industrias De Red” in Málaga, Spain (presentación de comunicación).
  • 3 December 2022, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Constitutionalist Orientalism and Cold War Epistemics in Central and Eastern Europe”, with W. Zomerski, at the ‘Revisiting the Dark Legacies of Illiberalism: Varieties of Constitutionalism and Legal-Political Practices in Post-Authoritarian Europe’ Conference at the University of Jena.

  • January 2021, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “The Postmodern Legal Ordering of the Economy” at Conference ‘Democracy Beyond Neoliberalism - Law and Political Economy Project Yale Law School’ at the University of Yale.
  • May 2021, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Transparency Legislation in Global Value Chains: Decentralisation, Market Power, and Global Hierarchies” at the ‘Law and Society Association Annual Meeting’.
  • 7 July 2021, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Constitutionalism and Masses. View on/from Poland” at ‘ICONS Mundo Conference The future of public law - Panel Civic Action and the Rule of Law: Challenging government powers and their responses Conference’.
  • 9 July 2021, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Follow the power: Why the rule of law directly concerns private actors” Together with prof.dr. Sanne Taekema and prof.dr. Alessandra Arcuri, at ‘CON-S Mundo conference The future of public law - Panel The rule of law and Private Power’. 
  • July 2021, María Campo Comba: Presentation “‘Data-opolies’, Public Interests and EU Competition Law: current state of affairs and the way forward” at the ‘ICON Mundo Conference 2021 ‘The Future of Public Law’. Panel Public Actors and Public Values’. 
  • September 2021, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Transparency Legislation in Global Value Chains: Decentralisation, Market Power, and Global Hierarchies” at the ‘Modern Slavery and the Governance of GVCs’ at Tel Aviv University in Tel Aviv, Israel.
  • October 2021, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Whistleblowing and alert mechanisms as instruments of stakeholder participation: Between individual complaints and collective voice”, at Workshop ‘In good company: Participatory rights of stakeholders as a public interest’ at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

  • January 2020, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “The Jurisgenerative Authority of Private Corporate Actors and the Quest for Embeddedness in Transnational Economic Governance”, Harvard IGLP Global Scholars Academy, Graduate Institute Geneva.
  • October 2020, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Global Justice and Supply Chain Ethics”, Transnational Law and Corporate (Ir)responsibility, King’s College London.
  • October 2020, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Protecting National Security Whistleblowers in the U.S. and in the ECtHR: The Limits of Balancing and the Social Value of Public Disclosures”, Annual Meeting of American Society of Comparative Law.
  • November 2020, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Review of Recent LPE Literature” at the Ius Commune Conference: Law and Political Economy Research in Europe: Themes and Agenda.
  • December 2020, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Whistleblowing and Corruption: Comparative Perspectives”, Government Corruption and Populism, Israel Democracy Institute.

  • April 2019, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “The Blurring Boundary of Legal and Social Norms in the Regulation of Transnational Corporate Activity”, at the ‘Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference’ at the University of Leeds in Leeds, United Kingdom. 
  • 17 May 2019, Koen Swinnen: Presentation “Ownership of data? Reculer pour mieux sauter” at ‘The Association for Law, Property, and Society – 10th Annual Meeting’ in Syracuse, New York, United States of America.
  • May 2019, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Regulating Transnational Corporate Activity Through Transparency: A Critical Perspective on the Diffusion of Reflexive Legal Rationalities”, at the ‘Law and Society Association Annual Meeting’.
  • May 2019, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Exporting Welfare through Global Value Chains? The Role of Social Expectations in the Regulation of Transnational Corporate Activity”, at ‘Regulating for Welfare? Exploring the Regulatory Dynamics and Implications of Welfare State Governance’ at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 
  • 12 September 2019, Lieselot Bisschop: Presentation “De aanpak van drugscriminaliteit in de Rotterdamse haven: aard en aanpak van fenomeen” together with prof.dr. Robby Roks at the ‘CIROC Conference’ in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 
  • September 2019, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Social Theories of Law in the UK and Germany: Questioning the Place of Theory in Socio-Legal Studies”, at the ‘Socio-Legal Studies in Germany and the UK: Theory and Methods’ at the Humboldt University Berlin in Berlin, Germany.
  • 15 October 2019, Koen Swinnen: presentation “Opinion on draft legislation ‘Wetsvoorstel d.d. 16 juli 2019 houdende invoeging van boek 3 ‘Goederen’ in het Nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek” at ‘Hoorzitting commissie voor de Justitie van het Belgische Parlement’ in Brussels, Belgium.
  • 18 October 2019, Koen Swinnen: presentation “Ownership of data(?)” at the ‘Second Encounter Private Law Sections Universidad Carlos III’ at the Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 24 October 2019, Lieselot Bisschop: Presentation “Waste crime. Terrain of organized criminals or corporate crooks?” at ‘Minor Criminology: The twilight one between the legal and the illegal’ in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 
  • October 2019, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Tuning EU Economic Governance to the Logic of the Market: Notes for ‘Law and Political Economy’ in Europe” at ‘Journal of Law and Political Economy: Developing the Field’ at the University at Buffalo.
  • November 2019, Ioannis Kampourakis: Presentation “Beyond Legal Bindingness: Postmodern Law, Corporate Regulation, and Social Ordering Through the Market” at the ‘5th Annual Workshop for Junior Scholars in Law’ at Tel Aviv University in Tel Aviv, Israel. 

  • 24 January 2024, Martijn Schippers & R.R. Ramataursing: Guest lecture “Btw bij in- en uitvoer” at the SOB-Cursus in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • 27 February 2024, Enrique Santamaria: Invited talk “Our Common Body? Biological Materials, Data and Knowledge for Research and Development” at the SEICA seminar series at the Erasmus School of Management in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 11 March 2024, Alberto Quintavalla: Guest lecture “Common Agricultural Policy” at GreenDeal Net PhD School.
  • 12 April 2024, Martien Schaub: Invited talk ‘Platformeconomie’, at ‘AI en de platformeconomie: Contracteren in een veranderende online omgeving’ at the House of Connections in Groningen, the Netherlands.
  • 8 April 2024, Alberto Quintavalla: Guest lecture “Environmental Law and Economics” at GreenDeal Net PhD School.
  • 23 April 2024, Alberto Quintavalla: Guest lecture “AI-Based Human Rights Violations” At Asser Spring Academy on AI (Asser Institute).
  • 23 April 2024, Martijn Schippers: Invited talk about ‘Other cross-border formalities and (ESG) (tax) developments impacting supply chains’ in the Diploma Programme in Customs and Supply Chain Compliance of Rotterdam School of Management in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  • 2 May 2024, Alberto Quintavalla: Invited talk “The Concept of Just Transition in Law” at UNIC Workshop – University Cork College.
  • 14 May 2024, Martien Schaub: speaker and chair at the Law and Digitalization research seminar in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 30 May 2024, Koen Swinnen: Invited talk “Circular Construction and Property Law: Friends or Foes?” at the ‘Private Law Consortium Conference 2024’ in Durham, United Kingdom.
  • 31 May 2024, Lieselot Bisschop: Presentation “Milieucriminaliteit, slachtoffers, schade” voor de Kennissessie Milieucriminaliteit bij de lancering van het programma milieucriminaliteit van het Fonds Slachtofferhulp, Den Haag. 
  • 13 June 2024, Michal Stambulski: Invited talk “How Constitutions Think?” at the Research meeting of the Department of Legal Theory, Faculty of Law at the University of Warsaw in Warsaw, Poland. 
  • 14 June 2024, Enrique Santamaria: Invited talk at the Seminar ‘Regulatory Infrastructure of AI-driven Biomedical Research’ at the Graduate School of Law, University of Pisa in Pisa, Italy.
  • 2024, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at University of Antwerp.
  • 2024, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer University of Lisbon.
  • 2024, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer VU Amsterdam.
  • 2024, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer University of Curacao. 

  • 8 February 2023, Martijn Schippers: Invited talk at lecture “Circulaire economie” at the ‘Tax Jurisprudence Program’ at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • 14 April 2023, Martijn Schippers: Invited talk at the lecture ‘Btw bij in- en uitvoer’ for the course International Trade at the VU Amsterdam in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 4 May 2023, Koen Swinnen: Invited talk “Property Law and Data: Worlds Apart(?)” at ‘Private Law Consortium Conference 2023’ in Hong Kong, China.
  • 8-9 June 2023, Martien Schaub: Chair of the panel on Platform Governance during the Law, AI and Regulation Conference in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 12 June 2023, Martijn Schippers, W. de Wit & I. van den Eijnde: Guest lecture ‘Supply and VAT (and more...)’. at the ‘Post-Master in EU VAT, EFS’ at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • 16 June 2023, Enrique Santamaria: Invited talk “The European Strategy for Data and the European Health Data Space” at City University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China.
  • 28 September 2023, Koen Swinnen: Closing Remarks at ‘The Public-Private Challenge in Current EU Law and Policy Conference’ in Brussels, Belgium.
  • 3 October 2023, Martijn Schippers: Invited talk at lecture “Omzetbelastingstelsels en ondernemerschap” for the course ‘Sales Tax’ (Omzetbelasting) at the University of Curaçao.
  • 11 October 2023, Martijn Schippers: Invited talk at lecture ‘Plaats van levering’ for the course ‘Sales Tax (Omzetbelasting)’ at the University of Curaçao.
  • 17 October 2023, Martijn Schippers: Invited talk at lecture ‘Plaats van dienst’ for the course ‘Sales Tax’ (‘Omzetbelasting’) at the University of Curaçao.
  • October 2023, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk: “Economic Democracy Through Public Power: Planning Within and Beyond Markets”, University of Glasgow in Glasgow, Scotland.
  • October 2023, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk: “Economic Democracy Through Public Power: Planning Within and Beyond Markets”, University of Liverpool.
  • 14 November 2023, Martien Schaub: Chair of the panel on Human centric design and social impact at Design Matters in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 20 November 2023, Martijn Schippers: Invited talk at the lecture ‘Vrij verkeer van goederen’ for the course ‘European Tax Law’ at the University of Curaçao.
  • 27 November 2023, Martijn Schippers: Invited talk at practical lecture ‘Free movement of Goods’ (‘Vrij verkeer van goederen’) for the course ‘European Tax Law’ (Europees Belastingrecht) at the University of Curaçao.
  • 27 November 2023, Martijn Schippers: Invited talk at lecture ‘The interplay between customs valuation and transfer pricing’ in the course ‘Advance module – customs taxable elements’ at the University of Antwerp in Antwerp, Belgium.
  • 30 November – 1 December 2023, Maria Campo Comba: Invited talk “Non-economic objectives under Article 101 TFEU: recent trends” at the ‘Project COMP.EU.TER on Public and Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law in the Age of Big Data’ in Milan, Italy. 
  • 6 December 2023, Martijn Schippers & R.R. Ramataursing: Guest lecture “Btw bij in- en uitvoer” at the SOB-Cursus in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • 2023, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at University of Antwerp.
  • 2023, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at Maastricht University.
  • 2023, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer University of Lisbon. 
  • 2023, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer VU Amsterdam. 
  • 2021, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at University of Curacao.

  • 24-25 January 2022, María Campo Comba: Presentation “EU Competition Law and Sustainability: Key aspects from the Dutch ACM Draft Guidelines towards a unified EU approach” at the International Conference ‘EU Antitrust: Hot topics & next steps’ at the Charles University Prague.
  • 26 January 2022, Lieselot Bisschop: Invited lecture “The Netherlands Narcostate? Organised drugrelated crime and its containment Studium Generale’ with Karin van Wingerde at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • February 2022, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk “Legal Analysis of Select Issues Under the EU – China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment”, at the Study Launch of CAI Greens/EFA group at the European Parliament.
  • 23 February 2022, Lieselot Bisschop: Invited talk ‘Lezing over havens en kwetsbaarheid voor drugssmokkel: Omgevingstafel Port of Moerdijk’ in Moerdijk, the Netherlands.
  • March 2022, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk “The Market as an Instrument of Planning in Sustainability Capitalism”, at the University of Liverpool in Liverpool, United Kingdom.
  • April 2022, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk “Seeing Global Value Chains through the Lenses of Law and Political Economy”, at the organisation ‘Law as Science’.
  • May 2022, Ioannis Kampourakis: Workshop on the Proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, led by MEP Prof. René Repasi in his capacity as Rapporteur of the Legal Affairs Committee.
  • 19 May 2022, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Constitutional and Populist Mind” at Populism and Authority of Liberal Constitutionalism Workshop in Onati, Spain.
  • 20 May 2022, María Campo Comba: Presentation “EU Competition Law and Sustainability: exploring an approach focused on the objectives of sustainability agreements” at Seminar ‘Using the Law to Save the Planet’ in Rotterdam.
  • 25 May 2022, Lieselot Bisschop: Invited talk “Environmental Crime: Understanding the History and Contemporary Dynamics of PFAS Ecotoxicity” at the Simon Fraser University, School of Crimonology’s research seminar series in British Columbia, Canada.
  • 5 June 2022, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Epistemic Authority of Constitutional Court in Poland” at ‘ICONS Annual Conference: Global Problems and Prospects in Public Law Conference’ in Wroclaw, Poland.
  • June 2022, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk “The Market as an Instrument of Planning in Sustainability Capitalism”, at the University of Amsterdam.
  • 17 June 2022, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Populist Jurisprudence? Examining Selected Case Law of the Polish Constitutional Court (2017-2022)”, at the ‘Comparing Populisms and Democracies: Local Specificities in the Rule of Law Crisis (and its Resolution?)’ Conference at the West University of Timisoara.
  • 15 July 2022, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Legal Epistemic Authority – Dynamics and Development in times of populism” at ‘Global Meeting on Law & Society: Rage, Reckoning and Remedy Conference’ in Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 20 October 2022, María Campo Comba: Presentation “EU competition law and sustainability: going beyond market interests” at the workshop ‘The need for a more coherent Sustainability and Law framework to address crises relating to the Earth’s Planetary Boundaries’ in Rotterdam.
  • November 2022, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk “The Market as an Instrument of Planning in Sustainability Capitalism”, at the University of Glasgow in Glasgow, Schotland.
  • 24-25 November 2022, María Campo Comba: Presentation “El desafío del Derecho de la Competencia europea de abordar nuevos retos económico-sociales más allá del planteamiento más económico del bienestar del consumidor” at the International Conference “Competencia Y Regulación De Plataformas E Industrias De Red” in Málaga, Spain (presentación de comunicación).
  • 3 December 2022, Michal Stambulski: Presentation “Constitutionalist Orientalism and Cold War Epistemics in Central and Eastern Europe”, with W. Zomerski, at the ‘Revisiting the Dark Legacies of Illiberalism: Varieties of Constitutionalism and Legal-Political Practices in Post-Authoritarian Europe’ Conference at the University of Jena.
  • 2022, María Campo Comba: Invited talk on BA 3 course ‘Seminar on Competition Policy’ at the Erasmus School of Economics in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 2022, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at University of Antwerp.
  • 2022, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at Maastricht University.
  • 2022, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at University of Curacao.

  • March 2021, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk “Law and Political Economy in Europe” at the University of Liverpool in Liverpool, United Kingdom. 
  • April 2021, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk: “Law and Political Economy in Europe” at Utrecht University in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
  • 15 June 2021, Koen Swinnen: Invited talk “Erfpachtrechten onder het nieuwe boek 3 BW’ bij de Vlaamse Raad van het Notariaat van de Koninklijke Federatie van het Belgisch Notariaat (VlaNot) seminar” in Brussels, Belgium.
  • November 2021, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk “Law and Political Economy in Europe” at the Nova University Lisbon in Lisbon, Portugal. 
  • November 2021, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk “Law and Political Economy in Europe” at the University of Oxford in Oxford, United Kingdom. 
  • December 2021, Ioannis Kampourakis: Invited talk “Reappropriating the Rule of Law: Between Constituting and Limiting Private Power” at the Asser Institute in the Hague, the Netherlands. 
  • 2021, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at Lund University
  • 2021, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at University of Antwerp
  • 2021, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at Maastricht University.
  • 2021, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at University of Curacao.

  • 2020, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at Lund University. 
  • 2020, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at University of Antwerp.
  • 2020, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at Maastricht University. 
  • 2020, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at University of Curacao. 

  • 24 April 2019, Lieselot Bisschop: Guest lecture “Environmental crime as corporate and organized crime” for the Master course ‘Financial and Economic Crime’ at Ghent University in Ghent, Belgium. 
  • 2019, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at Lund University. 
  • 2019, Martijn Schippers: Structural guest lecturer at University of Antwerp. 

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