Frank Bisselink

I chose for this master, because of the multidisciplinary and international character that makes it stand out from studies with a similar focus

Frank Bisselink

Eu-HEM student

“With great pride and appreciation, I look back on studying Eu-HEM. I chose for this master, because of the multidisciplinary and international character that makes it stand out from studies with a similar focus. Although the programme frequently asked me to step out of my comfort zone, I experienced that the value of Eu-HEM is more than studying at four top universities in the field of health economics and management. I particularly liked the diversity in students, experiences, universities, and countries, which allow incorporating new perspectives on health and healthcare. My dream is to contribute to improved integration and further innovation in healthcare. After cooperating with people from a variety of backgrounds combined with the content of the programme, I feel better equipped to make a difference!”

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