
613 search results for admission requirements for international students in English in Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.


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  • PhD defence N.P. (Novat) Sambodo
    Towards Greater Health Coverage in Indonesia
  • dr. (Thijs) MPB van den Broek
    Thijs van den Broek is assistant professor at the Socio-Medical Sciences research group of the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM). His…
  • prof.dr. (Carin) CA Uyl - de Groot
    Carin A. Uyl-de Groot studied Health Care Policy and Management at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. From March 1990 onwards she is working at the institute for…
  • Van der Goot Building
    Van der Goot Building
  • Conference: Experienced based co-design sharing experiences and co-designing new applications
    Date: 14 March 2018, 10.30-17.00 Place: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Theil Building , room C2-6 Presentations Download the summary of the presentations. …
  • Work package 7
    Thailand – The impact of Universal Coverage relative to other social insurance programmes Background Prior to 2002, health insurance systems in Thailand were…
  • Erasmus Paviljoen Grand Café
    The Erasmus Pavillion is the vibrant meeting point in the heart of the campus of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • University Library
    The University Library has an extensive collection of books and journals on every subject that is taught at the Erasmus University. 
  • A new era of Global Health research and teaching at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
    Matthias Rieger will join ESHPM as Theme Chair Global Health. He will develop the new “Global Health Theme” together with Igna Bonfrer, Director of RGHI.
  • The science of turning great health ideas into real-world impact
    PhD-researcher Eden Zhu recently published a paper in the renowned Journal of Implementation Science.

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