
613 search results for admission requirements for international students in English in Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.


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  • Work package 8
    Vietnam – The impact of extending the Vietnam Health Insurance Program to the poor and informal sector and reforms to provider payment systems Background  In…
  • prof.dr. (Angelique) AEAM Weel
  • Research
    The research is organized around two strands and nine work packages. The strands and distinguished by the focus and nature of the research. Strand 1 is…
  • Publications
    Overview of all publications of research group Health Economics.
  • Seminars
    Since 2007 the Health Care Governance group organizes a yearly seminar on issues related to the research program of the group. Aim of the seminars is to bring…
  • PhD defences 2012
    Marieke Krol Productivity costs in economic evaluations. 21 December 2012 …
  • Regulating care
    In this line of work, we study the governance of healthcare proper; that is, the role of policy-makers, managers, and supervisors in healthcare and their…
  • Work package 2
    Coping with the financial risks associated with illness The aims of this work package are To enrich empirical evidence on how households respond to the…
  • prof.dr. (Pieter) PHM van Baal
    Pieter van Baal is a Professor of Public Health Economics. His research focuses on the methodology of cost effectiveness analyses, modeling of diseases…
  • Evaluation of a pilot with experts by experience in the regulation of elderly care
    Runtime: 2016 - 2018 Client: Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (Dutch Health and Youth Care Inspectorate) Project description To deepen their insights into…

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