Sectoral analysis of quality reports in the care for the mentally handicapped

Runtime: Sept 2018 – Jan 2019
Client: VGN

Project description

Since 2017, providers of long-term care for the mentally handicapped have complied with the Quality Framework 2017-2022 made up by the Dutch Association of providers of care for the mentally handicapped (VGN). This Quality Framework is based on four blocks and includes both the (learning) process that takes place in the organizations, and the progress on a number of themes. Most of the providers (98 %) used the framework to write a report on the care they delivered in 2017 .

Wilma van de Scheer (ECZ)and Annemiek Stoopendaal (ESHPM) were asked by  the VGN to analyze the reports in order to write an impression of the sector.

They found that the quality framework offers the sector the opportunity to show itself in all its colorfulness. The quality reports are a useful, public, up-to-date source of information about the quality of care and the learning capacity of both organizations and sector. This way of accounting for care, combines figures and narratives, and  gives the sector a positive impulse.


ECZ: Dr. Wilma van der Scheer
ESHPM: Dr. Annemiek Stoopendaal


W. van der Scheer & A.M.V. Stoopendaal (2018). Kleurrijke zorg. Sectorbeeld Gehandicaptenzorg 2017. (Extern rapport). Rotterdam: Erasmus Centrum voor Zorgbestuur

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