Runtime: 2017 - 2022
Client: Research Council of Norway
Project description
The SAFE-LEAD primary care project addresses a vital component of health services research, i.e. the efficiency of measures to improve service quality and safety. The project addresses the current gap in implementation research by focusing on the influence of contextual factors in determining the effect of quality and safety leadership intervention for healthcare managers in elderly care.
The overall aim of the project is to translate, test, evaluate and measure the effects of the intervention on quality and improvement knowledge, attitudes and practices in nursing homes and homecare. In order to do so a mixed method study will be conducted in Norway. These results will be compared to case studies in the Netherlands.
The project builds on the expertise and research network developed in the QUASER collaboration.
University of Stavanger: Prof. dr. Siri Wigg (project leader)
ESHPM: Prof. dr. Roland Bal, Dr. Hester van de Bovenkamp
- S. Wiig, E. Ree, T. Johannessen, T. Strømme, B. Ullebust, E. Holen-Rabbersvik, L. Hurup Thomsen, A. Torhild Sandvik Pedersen, H.M. van de Bovenkamp, R. Bal & K. Aase (2018). Improving Quality and Safety in Nursing Homes and Home Care: The study protocol of a mixed methods research design to implement a leadership intervention.Opent extern BMJ Open. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020933