Publication of assessment frameworks by the Dutch Healthcare & Youth Inspectorate: exploring consequences on compliance, quality of care and inspectors’ work in three healthcare settings

Runtime: 2017-2018
Client: The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)

Project description

The Healthcare & Youth Inspectorate (IGJ) is increasingly publishing information about their work. This concerns, amongst other things, the assessment frameworks that contain the standards and rules they apply when inspecting healthcare providers. The IGJ is interested in what consequences the publication of assessment frameworks has on the compliance, quality of care and the work of inspectors. In our study, which consists of three phases, we explore this.

During the first phase, we look at what is known from previous (inter)national research about publication of assessment frameworks. In the second phase, we explore how assessment frameworks are used in three healthcare settings in the Netherlands: nursing home care, dental care and hospital care. We interview healthcare professionals, managers, policy officers and inspectors about their experiences with the assessment frameworks. In the final phase, we discuss our findings with inspectors from the IGJ to better understand similarities and differences between the three sectors.

This project is embedded in the Academic Collaborative Centre on Supervision.


Dr. Jan-Willem Weenink, Dr. Iris Wallenburg, Prof. Dr. Roland Bal

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