
The objective of this research project is conducting research on a relatively new topic of European integration, ie. the Europeanization of health law. Here, the concept of Europeanization is not limited to the penetration of European hard law in national regulation but also includes ‘soft law’ processes and practices in healthcare issues (open coordination method, exchanging best practices, developing standards & benchmarking). These shared frames of reference combined with hard law instruments influence and adjust EU and member states’ health law and governance. Analyzing this relationship between the EU and member states may justify the claim of a new field of scholarship: European health law. Conceptualising European health law by unravel its distinctive features and explaining the multilayered relationships is potentially helpful to the future research agenda with a focus on the key features legitimizing regulatory intervention in health care: privatization and liberalization of markets, safeguarding quality of care human rights and health. Both issues fit within the overall university’s research program.

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