Two ESGH PhD Excellence Awards

The EGSH (Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities) hosted the annual award ceremony. Due to the corona measures the ceremony took place online and was attended by over 80 people. Marjolijn Heerings (HCG) and Marthe Stevens (HCG) received an award for PhD excellence. What a great recognition for their work.

Marjolijn Heerings was awarded the award for Best Societal Impact 2020 for the design of a collaborative participatory instrument called 'Als je het ons vraagt' that engages residents of long-term care facilities with the improvement of the quality of their own care. The jury stated that the relevance and usability of the instrument is underlined by its adoption by two knowledge platforms for professionals in the sector and that it was selected for follow-up research by both ZonMw and NOW. 

Marthe Stevens received the award for Best Article 2020 for her article called “Epistemic Virtues and Data-driven Dreams: On sameness and difference in epistemic cultures of data science and psychiatry” published in Social Science and Medicine. The jury described the papers as an “excellent example of interdisciplinary research, especially using insights from data science and psychiatry, and articulating them through the innovative concept of ‘epistemic virtues’. The paper was written together with Rik Wehrens and Antoinette de Bont and can be found here.

We would also want to mention our ESHPM colleagues that were nominated for their great work: Mathilde Berghout (HSMO) for Best Thesis Award, Eline de Kok (HSMO) for Best Power Award 2020, Stefan Lipman (HE) for Best Societal Impact 2020, and Anne Marie Weggelaar-Jansen (HSMO) for Best PhD Supervisor 2020. 

Marthe Stevens MSc
PhD student

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