Meet the Alumni: A Memorable Event for HEPL Master's Students

Group of students listening to a presentation

On December 17, 2024, we hosted the Meet the Alumni event as part of the Master your Master (MyM) programme for students from our masters’ Health Economics, Policy & Law (HEPL) and Health Economics (HE). The programme is designed to help students discover their personal study path, interests, and values. 

This initiative bridges the gap between academic learning and professional life, helping students make impactful career choices aligned with their authentic selves. Approximately 35 students joined us for an inspiring and interactive afternoon. 

The event featured four HEPL and HE alumni, who graduated between two and eight years ago, to share their unique career journeys and experiences after graduation, representing diverse roles within the healthcare field:   

  • Reva Eve - National Health Care Institute (ZIN) 
  • Chiara Brouns - Zorgverzekeraars Nederland (ZN) 
  • Stavros Anagnostopoulos - Institute for Medical Technology Assessment (iMTA) 
  • Femke Nouws - Rabobank 

The alumni shared personal stories about how the masters’ programmes helped pave the way for their current positions, offering insights into when and how they applied for jobs, strategies that worked for them, and the highs and lows they encountered along the way. During this vibrant and engaging event, students also had the opportunity to ask the alumni questions about career decisions, job application processes, and life after graduation, making the event both informative and relatable. 

The overwhelming success of the Meet the Alumni event has inspired us to organise another session in spring 2025. There will be more editions as well in the coming academic years. If you like to know more about the Master your Master programme or Meet the Alumni events, feel free to get in touch by sending an email to

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