Dr. Igna Bonfrer new director of the Rotterdam Global Health Initiative

Dr. Igna Bonfrer

We are very pleased to announce that Igna Bonfrer will serve as the new director of the Rotterdam Global Health Initiative. She started the 1st of January 2021 and takes over from Tanja Houweling who has played an invaluable role in creating an effective governance structure and acquiring large grants including the Research Excellence Initiative on Universal Health Coverage and the Trustfund Africa programme on effective health interventions.

Prof. Inge Hutter, chair of the RGHI Steering Committee thanked Tanja for “her dedication to the coordination and further development of the RGHI over the past four years”. Igna will consolidate and further strengthen the joint activities that the RGHI members develop and aims to support new collaborative initiatives in both research and teaching. The RGHI Management Team and Steering Group are very happy that Igna is willing to take up this role. “We are convinced she will do an excellent job.”

Associate professor

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