During your studies, you learned new things every day – from new theoretical models to real-life examples. However, once your working life begins, it can feel like there are fewer opportunities to develop further. With its lifelong learning and development initiative, the government wants to encourage people to continue learning – because even after graduation, there are always opportunities to keep learning and developing.
Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management consider this initiative very important as well. We like to invite our alumni to return to our campus from time to time to gain new insights. Interested? Below are three initiatives that might be a good fit for you!

Lifelong Learning Festival – 13–18 May
From Monday 13 May until Saturday 18 May, the whole of Rotterdam will be coloured Erasmus green to celebrate the Lifelong Learning Festival. The Festival introduces Rotterdam residents both young and old, with and without higher education and from both banks of the river to Erasmus University Rotterdam in an accessible way, helping them discover that learning is fun!
The Lifelong Learning Festival consists of a multitude of relatively small-scale moments that bring Rotterdam residents into contact with EUR students or researchers. From a street lecture in the Koopgoot to an expert class in the Boijmans van Beuningen Museum, and from a dance workshop at Theater Zuidplein to a crash course in entrepreneurship at Campus Woudestein, the list of ideas and possible partnerships is already huge. Each of these moments is dedicated to learning, exploring and celebrating. As a result, every moment serves to strengthen the perception that learning is fun.
We make sure Rotterdam residents are proud of the university in their city.
Good to know: the Festival is coming to our campus on Saturday 18 May!

Invitation to the Erasmus Centrum voor Zorgbestuur study day on 14 May
Shared leadership in networks: what courage and effort does this require?
On Tuesday 14 May, the Erasmus Centrum voor Zorgbestuur (Erasmus Center for Healthcare Management) will host a study day on the topic of shared leadership in networks. This study day is a great opportunity to engage in dialogue about this topic with alumni of the Centrum and other interested parties.
What is the study day about?
While healthcare organisations and community partners in networks strive to work together based on shared leadership, this aim tends to be difficult to achieve. It can be quite a struggle to avoid getting caught up in the varying interests, perspectives and administrative requirements. What courage and effort does it take to transcend these dynamics? How can you incorporate the knowledge and experience of citizens? Our 2024 study day is dedicated to addressing these questions.
During our study days, we pay ample attention to both science and practice. We will explore the topic from various perspectives, speak to directors, managers and professionals about numerous case studies and engage in dialogue with one another. Those contributing to this afternoon will include:
- Wilma van der Scheer (Professor of Leadership in Healthcare)
- Oemar van der Woerd (Network researcher for ESHPM, Healthcare Governance)
- Frank Beemer (Programme leader – Management of Networks and Chains in Healthcare)
- Helene Wüst (Programme director – Shared Leadership in Elderly Care)
- Marianne van den Anker (Ombudsperson for Rotterdam-Rijnmond)
Date: Tuesday 14 2024
Location: Erasmus Pavillion, Campus Woudestein, Rotterdam
Time: 1.30pm - 5pm

ESHPM Academy
At ESHPM, we believe there is always more to learn. That is why we are committed to lifelong learning. To that end, the ESHPM Academy was established in order to provide education post-graduation. We offer both short and longer courses on various topics relevant to ESHPM alumni and other interested parties.
A new, practice-based three-day course in Health and Behaviour Change was launched last March. This course was designed for professionals working in the fields of health promotion or disease prevention. During the course, participants learn about the use of behavioural science in a health context and are equipped with tools to bring about behavioural change by means of subtle and effective modifications. The course features contributions from many well-known names, such as Marco Varkevisser, Semiha Denktaş, Stefan Lipman, Inge Merkelbach and Nienke Boderie.
Keep an eye on the ESHPM Academy LinkedIn page to keep up to date with our postgraduate education, or check out the website of ESHPM Academy.