Demand and supply of healthcare do not match and that is a problem

Erasmus MC hospital with the city in the background.

The affordability and accessibility of healthcare in the Netherlands is under pressure due to rising demand and costs. Professor Marco Varkevisser is conducting research on how we can organise healthcare more intelligently to reduce the "care gap".

How long are you willing to travel for healthcare: half an hour or maybe an hour? If we want to organise healthcare smarter, it is almost inevitable that some care will be organised further away. 

Marco Varkevisser, Professor of Market Organisation in Health Care at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, explains why it is that supply and demand for healthcare no longer match in the Netherlands. This is the so-called ‘care gap’. He also gives suggestions on how to better regulate healthcare. 

To do so, watch EUR Explained below (in Dutch):

Screen shot of the EUR Explainer with prof.dr. Marco Varkevisser.

How do we keep healthcare accessible and affordable?

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