Contact & Opening hours Erasmus Student Service Centre (ESSC)

Please ask your question only once via the following channels or find your answer in our FAQ's in ASK ErasmusOpens external.

E-mailEmail your question in ASK Erasmus.Opens external 

+31 - (0)10 - 408 88 80 (option 1)
Please keep your student number at hand

Phone calls are recorded. See the EUR Privacy Policy for more information.

09.30-16.00 hrs
Mondays to Fridays
WhatsApp+31 - (0)6 - 233 72 156
WhatsApp can only be used for short questions. Other questions regarding application, please email via Ask Erasmus.
09.00-16.30 hrs Mondays to Friday
DeskBurgemeester Oudlaan 50 in Rotterdam
Sanders Building, Ground Floor, Woudestein Campus
09.00-16.30 hrs
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Postal AddressErasmus University Rotterdam
P.O. Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
The Netherlands

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