
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • dr. (Christian) CW Handke
    Christian Handke is Associate Professor (with ius promovendi) of Cultural Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research focuses on cultural economics…
  • prof.dr. (Maria) MCR Grever
    **Maria Grever** (1953) is professor em. Theory and Methodology of History and founding director of the Center for Historical Culture at Erasmus School of…
  • dr. (Aleid) AG Fokkema
    Aleid Fokkema (MA, PhD) is senior lecturer at the department. She coordinates and teaches two courses in year one and a number of electives in year two and…
  • prof.dr. (Koen) CJM van Eijck
    Koen van Eijck is professor of Cultural Lifestyles and head of the Examination Board of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. He also serves…
  • prof.dr. (Dick) D Douwes
    Dick Douwes is Professor of Global History, at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Since 2006 he is also dean of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and…
  • dr. (Maarten) MF van Dijck
    Maarten Van Dijck (1980) is associate professor in history and theory of the social sciences at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. His teaching concerns the…
  • dr. (Vidhi) V Chaudhri
    **Vidhi Chaudhri** is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam where she teaches in the International…
  • dr. (Amanda) AMC Brandellero
  • dr. (Laura) LE Braden
    Laura Braden is an Assistant Professor at the Departments of Arts and Culture Studies and Media and Communication of Erasmus University Rotterdam. In addition,…
  • prof.dr. (Pauwke) PPL Berkers
    Pauwke Berkers is full professor Sociology of Popular Music, specifically in relation to Inclusion, Well-Being, and Resilience in the Department of Arts and…

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