
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Switching institutions
    Are you switching your studies to Erasmus University Rotterdam from another university in the Netherlands?
  • Boundaries by Design
    How Dutch and American Designers Navigate Multiple Fields Design emerged in the 20th century as an essential competitive advantage in current markets. Having…
  • Project team
    Project leader & main applicant Prof. Maria Grever …
  • Results
    On this page, we will keep you informed about the results from the REI project 'War! Popular Culture and European Heritage of Major Armed Conflicts'. Pilot…
  • Projects
    This research project examines how the heritage of modern war history is represented and appropriated in contemporary popular culture, and which modifications…
  • Television culture and the myth of participation
    Remaking media rituals This project is based on the PhD proposal Living in a Mediatized Society: an Ethnography of Media Rituals and Everyday Life, funded by…
  • Young, Online and Connected
    Adolescents spend a significant part of their day online, whether playing games, accessing and uploading content, or communicating with their friends (Jansz et…
  • Geopolitics of artivism
    Comparing the attribution of societal impact and artistic qualities in the Western reception of art activists from democratic and authoritarian regimes Why is…
  • Empowering citizens
    How new media facilitate civic engagement This PhD project aims to investigate how citizens use different forms of new media as a political tool. The project…
  • Reading Suffering
    An empirical inquiry into empathic and reflective responses to literary narratives This PhD-project addresses the reasons for and the effects of reading about…

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