
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Schedule your appointment
    Book your appointment with a Student counsellor. appointment type Woudestein is intended for all students, Erasmus MC is intended for medical students.
  • Reshaping Authenticity
    The Production, Aesthetics and Reception of Independent Folk Music in the Netherlands Ever since the start of the new millennium new genres of folk music have
  • Film tourism in China
    With focus on media and place, this research project analyses the rise and development of film tourism in China. Setting the geographical scope in Mainland…
  • Ethics, privacy & data management
    What's the role of academic integrity and ethics at ESHCC? What does our integrity code entail? You'll find more information on this page
  • Consultation meeting
    Please note: scheduling an appointment is only possible 2 days prior to the open consultation hour.
  • A Rhine Economy, 1850-2000
    During the last one and a half century the river Rhine became the foremost commercial inland waterway of Europe. The tonnage moved on the Rhine was greater than…
  • Touching war
    This project focuses on visitors of war sites, on people that travel to former battlefields, war cemeteries and other locations related to major armed conflicts
  • Games set in war-devastated European (urban) landscapes
    Games set in war-devastated European (urban) landscapes’  This PhD-project is part of the REI (Research Excellence Initiative)-programme ‘War! Popular Culture…
  • Board of Appeals for Examinations
    Every institution for higher education has a Board of Appeals for Examinations (CBE) according to the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW). The independent…
  • Citizen Engagement
    Politics and Digital Media in Namibia The aim of this PhD project is to explore how the youth engage in politics through social media in Namibia. The main…

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