
2574 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Climate and Corona
    PhD Candidate Ulrike Hahn shares her thoughts on parallels and differences between global vulnerabilities, perceptions and responses to climate change and COVID…
  • Appointment of Vice Deans ESHCC
    Frank van der Duijn Schouten, Dean ESHCC, announces the appointment of Jason Pridmore as ESHCC Director of Education and Stijn Reijnders as ESHCC Director of…
  • EUR cancels all on-campus education and exams
    Today, the government has taken new measures with regard to the coronavirus. It has been decided that 'live' education is no longer allowed on campus from now on
  • Dr. Jacco van Sterkenburg to speak at Science Café Rotterdam
    Dr. Jacco van Sterkenburg will talk about media, soccer, racism.
  • Julian Schaap interviewed by EM on his dissertation
    When you go to a rock concert, why do you usually end up in a crowd of white men watching other white men up on the stage? Julian Schaap devoted his…
  • It’s good to see that academic research about journalism is sometimes noticed by the media
    Bernadette Kester (ESHCC / ERMeCC) recently published an article in Journalism Practice.
  • Save the date: Joint ERMeCC / History@Erasmus Lunch Seminar
    On monday, 4th May 2020 the ERMeCC / History @ Erasmus Lunch Seminar will take place.
  • Rashid Gabdulhakov publishes an article in Global Crime
    PhD Candidate Rashid Gabdulhakov published an article titled “(Con)trolling the Web: Social Media User Arrests, State-Supported Vigilantism and Citizen Counter…
  • Historicidagen 2021 in Rotterdam!
    The ‘Historicidagen’ is a big conference for various historians where they can meet and discuss history.
  • Apply for a CLI Fellowship to innovate education
    As an EUR lecturer you might have ideas to innovate or improve your education. Apply for a CLI Fellowship to make these ideas come true!

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