
2570 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • New book out on infectious inequalities in cinema
    Qijun Han and Daniel R. Curtis have recently published a new book entitled "Infectious Inequalities: Epidemics, Trust, and Social Vulnerabilities in Cinema".
  • First RASL graduates showcase their work during the graduation exhibition
    On 12 and 13 November, the RASL Graduation Exhibition took place, during which the first RASL graduates exhibited their work at De Achtertuin in Rotterdam.
  • Trilce Navarrete Hernandez co-edits new book ‘Cultural Industries and the Covid-19 Pandemic’
    Dr. Trilce Navarrete Hernandez edited new book ‘Cultural industries and the Covid-19 pandemic: A European focus’ together with Elisa Salvador and Andrej Srakar
  • Call for papers: The Spillover Effect of Crises
    Call for papers for ERMeCC research symposium.
  • Rotterdam research at the basis of apology for city's slavery past
    Last week, Mayor Aboutaleb apologised for Rotterdam's past of slavery. This was based on publications by, among others, the historian Alex van Stipriaan.
  • TRESCA project collaborates with YouTube channel that’s lying to 17 million people
    Famous YouTube channel Kurzgesagt collaborated with the TRESCA project and published a new video on science communication.
  • Jacco van Sterkenburg appointed as endowed professor of Race, Inclusion and Communication
    Jacco van Sterkenburg is appointed as endowed professor at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC).
  • PhD Defence Anouk Mols
    On 8 December 2021, A. Mols will defend her PhD dissertation.
  • Digital Place-makers: Screening Night!
    Join a special screening of short films written and produced by 11 newcomer participants of the 6-week Digital Place-makers program!
  • What makes a city vital?
    Researcher Jose Nederhand of Vital Cities and Citizens (VCC) discusses the successfully organized international paper workshop on the vitality of cities.

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