EBHA's Best Paper Prize
Since 2009, the European Business History Association (EBHA) has awarded a prize for the best paper on European business history presented at its annual congress. The prize consists of a certificate and a cash prize of €250.00. The winner will be announced and the prize presented at the congress dinner.
Papers that meet all of the following criteria are eligible;
- the paper is on European business history. The term "European business history" is defined broadly, but it refers here to the topic of the paper, NOT to the author's nationality or place of residence.
- The paper must be no longer than 20 pages of double-spaced A4 with a minimum 12-point font size. This amounts to 6,000 words. Authors should note that the maximum length includes references and bibliography. Tables, graphs and images are not included in these requirements and may be inserted as appendices.
- the complete paper (not the extended abstract) is uploaded in PDF form to the congress website on or before the deadline of July 15, 2019.
Authors who want to apply for the Best Paper Prize will have to make this clear by sending their paper directly to the chair of the committee - Adoración Álvaro-Moya (adoracionalvaro@cunef.edu) - and thus nominating themselves.
Members of the Best Paper Prize Committee are ineligible for the prize. The Best Paper Prize Committee’s decision is final, and it reserves the right not to award a prize in any given year. All members of the Best Paper Prize Committee are not allowed to discuss their decision outside the Committee. The Best Paper Prize Committee will never give any reason for its decisions.
Best Paper Prize Committee 2019
- Adoración Álvaro-Moya
- Andrea Colli
- Joost Dankers