Scientific Research Council

The Scientific Research Council (SRC) is the advisory committee of ERMeCHS and is composed of the cluster leads of the ERMeCHS research clusters ( The SRC reflects on important developments in the world of academia and advises the Research Management Board. They will meet approximately twice a year under the guidance of a chair to discuss the school’s research strategy and profile, for example the development, elaboration and calibration of current and future research themes and clusters. 

Cluster lead

Cluster leads are chosen by current members of the cluster for a period of two years and can be re-elected for one additional term of two years. Cluster leads will receive a time compensation of 34 hours (0.02 FTE). 

Meeting Frequency and Format

The SRC meets twice a year. Meetings are led by the chair of the SRC. 


The Chair of the SRC will be appointed by the dean for a period of two years and can be re-appointed for one additional term of two years. The Chair of the SRC for the period 2024-2026 is Marc Verboord.

Relationship with the Research Management Board

The SRC acts as a sounding board for the Research Management Board (RMB). The Chair (Vice Dean of Research) of the RMB will join the SRC meeting on invitation. Furthermore, the RMB agendas will be shared with the Chair of the SRC.  

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