Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Anna) A Mignosa

    dr. (Anna) A Mignosa
  • (Petrica) PM Mogos, MSc

    (Petrica) PM Mogos, MSc
  • dr. (Valeria) V Morea

    dr. (Valeria) V Morea
  • drs. (Erwin) ER Mossel, MBA

    drs. (Erwin) ER Mossel, MBA
  • (Martijn) M Mulder

    In 2017 Martijn started his PhD research on live music experiences and ecologies at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, under supervision…
    (Martijn) M Mulder
  • dr. (Jinju) J Muraro - Kim

    dr. (Jinju) J Muraro - Kim
  • (Robyn) RN Murning

    (Robyn) RN Murning
  • (Emanuela) E Naclerio

    Emanuela Naclerio is Postdoc Researcher on the NWO-funded VIDI project Crafting Future Urban Economies at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her current research…
    (Emanuela) E Naclerio
  • dr. (Trilce) T Navarrete Hernandez

    Trilce Navarrete is a specialist in the economic and historic aspects of digital heritage. She is currently Assistant Professor at the Erasmus Rotterdam…
    dr. (Trilce) T Navarrete Hernandez
  • (Miguel) M Neiva

    My ongoing PhD research focuses on the role of club culture in the socioemotional well-being of LGBTQI+ youth (18-29) in Lisbon and Rotterdam. My publications…
    (Miguel) M Neiva

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