Tina van der Vlies is an associate professor at the History Department of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL). Her current research 'Why school history matters: public discourses on the purposes of history education, 1920-2020' is funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO Rubicon). For this project she is affiliated with the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge (UK). Back in 2021 she became a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Dutch National Museum of Education.
Her academic and societal work revolve around history, heritage, education and (de)colonization, foregrounding historical contexts of knowledge production and distribution. Since research has shown that curricula continue to affect people’s worldviews and images of the ‘other’ later in life, she generates insights into these widely distributed ideas as well as into patterns and mechanisms of their (re)production. Her work received several awards, such as the Georg Eckert Research Award (2022) and the Erasmus University Research Prize (2021).
In December 2022 her book Echoing Events: The Perpetuation of National Narratives in English and Dutch History Textbooks, 1920-2010 was published. This book delves into the less visible ways of national narratives’ perpetuation by pointing out how narrated histories in textbooks overlapped and interfused. It shows how textbook authors have narrated different histories as ‘echoing events’ by interpreting them in the same way and by using the same combinations of historical analogies, giving meaning to history with these recurring connections. Her research revealed widespread schemata and frames of references in the narration of national history, shed new light on debates about canonization, and complemented James Wertsch' theory on narrative templates.
For a longer research stay, she went to the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research in Braunschweig, the Institute of Education in London, the Centre for Memory, Narrative and Histories in Brighton, and the University of Cambridge.
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Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
More information
- Tina van der Vlies (2022) - Echoing Events. The Perpetuation of National Narratives in English and Dutch History Textbooks, 1920-2010 - doi: 10.14220/9783737014502 - [link]
- Maria Grever & Tina van der Vlies (2017) - Why National Narratives are Perpetuated: A literature review on new insights from history textbook research - London Review of Education, 15 (2), 286-301 - doi: 10.18546/LRE.15.2.11 - [link]
- Tina van der Vlies (2016) - Multidirectional war narratives in history textbooks - Paedagogica Historica, 52 (3), 300-314 - doi: 10.1080/00309230.2016.1153674
- Tina van der Vlies (2021) - Narrative Template - Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method, 2-8 - doi: 10.5040/9781350970878.070
- Tina van der Vlies (2022) - De Indonesische Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog in de klas - [link]
- Robbert-Jan Adriaansen, Tina van der Vlies & Carola Hein (2024) - Water Heritage and Identity (Organiser)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Robbert-Jan Adriaansen & Tina van der Vlies (2024) - Heritage in Brazil (Organiser)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Tina van der Vlies (2024) - Narratieven in de Wereldgeschiedenis. Internationale Perspectieven in het Nederlandse Klaslokaal (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Professional - Tina van der Vlies (2023) - The perpetuation of cultural memories in the widespread genre of history textbooks (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Tina van der Vlies (2023) - Knowledge, Power, Politics, and Public Discourses on the Purposes of School History (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Tina van der Vlies (2023) - Book Launch 'Echoing Events' (Participant)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Robbert-Jan Adriaansen & Tina van der Vlies (2023) - Book Presentation ‘Echoing Events’ (Organiser)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Tina van der Vlies (2022) - First reaction to PhD candidate from Norway on his 10% seminar: ‘National history in school textbooks in the post-war era’. (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Tina van der Vlies, Tim Huijgen, Bertjaap van der Ploeg, Koos Sikkema & Laurin Thole (2022) - History beyond borders: how to deal with multiple perspectives in the classroom? (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Tina van der Vlies, Pieter de Bruijn, Michiel Bugter, Marijke Huisman & Hanneke Tuithof (2022) - Schoolboekenstrijd: gewenste geschiedenis tussen politiek en praktijk (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Tina van der Vlies (2022) - Dutch History Textbooks and the Indonesian Revolution (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Tina van der Vlies (2022) - New trends in historical research and education (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Tina van der Vlies (2021) - 'Timeless memories' in English and Dutch history education (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Tina van der Vlies (2021) - Uitdagingen voor de hedendaagse historische cultuur (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Tina van der Vlies (2021) - Narrative Iconoclasm and the Revival of National Narratives (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Tina van der Vlies (2020) - Comments on 'Instruction & Inability. Cultural education policy from Den Uyl to Rutte-III' by Piet Hagenaars (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Tina van der Vlies (2019) - Historical Textbook Narratives and their Narratological Contexts (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic
- Tina van der Vlies (2022) - Georg Eckert Research Award (€5.000,-)
- Tina van der Vlies (2021) - EUR Research Prize
- Tina van der Vlies (2021) - NWO Rubicon 'Why school history matters: public discourses on the purposes of history education, 1920 – 2020'
- Tina van der Vlies (2019) - Maurits de Vroede-Prijs
- Tina van der Vlies (2016) - KNHG Award
- Tina van der Vlies (2014) - ISCHE Early Career Conference Paper Award
Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum
- Start date approval
- November 2022
- End date approval
- November 2025
- Place
- Description
- Lid van de Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad
Master Thesis
- Year Level
- MA, MA, MA, MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CH4050
Rethinking History 1
- Year Level
- BA-1, BA-1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CH1102
NWO Rubicon Research Fellow
- Start date approval
- February 2022