dr. ME (Mark) Hay


I read history in Amsterdam, Paris, and Oxford, before taking up an AHRC-funded doctorate in history at King’s College London.

My research explores international relations, war and diplomacy, financial and economic history, and women’s history in the Atlantic World, 1750-1850.

My doctoral research, entitled Calculated Risk. Collaboration and Resistance in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Netherlands, 1780-1806, explored Dutch financial diplomacy in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era.

Currently, I am working on two projects. First, a study of female management of Dutch banking houses in the era of the consolidation of the Amsterdam capital market. The research explores how female financiers bridged the divide between the various political, financial, and economic interest groups in the Netherlands to contribute to the consolidation and national reorientation of the Amsterdam capital market post-1815. Second, a comparative study of French and British resource mobilisation, financial diplomacy, and war financing in the years 1803-1815, and the normative change to the conduct of international finance resulting from the Franco-British conflict.


Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Assistant professor | Department of History


News regarding dr. ME (Mark) Hay

Mark Hay publishes book on Dutch-British role in Louisiana Purchase and financial power shift

Mark Hay publishes book, entitled “Transatlantic Finance in the Age of Revolutions: Hope, Baring, and the Financing of the Sale and Purchase of Louisiana.
Building in New Orleans

Mark Hay and Joep Hofhuis awarded NWO Open Competition SSH-XS funding

Mark Hay and Joep Hofhuis from the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication awarded with the NWO Open Competition – SSH funding for their research.