Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
External PhD candidate | Department of Arts and Culture Studies
More information
- Ellen Loots & Marjelle Vermeulen (2022) - Assessing the impact of culture and creativity in society: A magazine - [link]
- Marjelle Vermeulen (2021) - Assessing the Social Impact of Organizations in the Cultural and Creative Industries: Evidence from The Netherlands
- Marjelle Vermeulen, Ellen Loots & Pauwke Berkers (2021) - Museum visits on a doctor’s prescription. A path to positive health? - Arts Management Quarterly, (137), 24-31 - [link]
- Marjelle Oosterling - Vermeulen, Filip Vermeylen & Karen Maas (2019) - Measuring Inclusion in Museums: A Case Study on Cultural Engagement with Young People with a Migrant Background in Amsterdam - The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 12 (2), 1-26 - doi: 10.18848/1835-2014/CGP/v12i02/1-26 - [link]
- Karen Maas & Marjelle Oosterling - Vermeulen (2015) - Duurzame doelstellingen in bestuurdersbonussen - Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 99 (4699/4700), 772-775
- Lonneke Roza, Marjelle Vermeulen, Kellie Liket & Lucas Meijs (2014) - Contemporary European E2P: Towards an understanding of European philanthrepreneurs - doi: 10.4337/9781783471010.00019 - [link]
- Karen Maas, N Kamp-Roelands, K Tesselaar & Marjelle Oosterling - Vermeulen (2014) - De status van geïntegreerde verslaggeving bij organisaties: wat zijn de succes- en faalfactoren? - MAB, 88 (10), 385-395
- Karen Maas, R Strootman, S Meliefste & Marjelle Oosterling - Vermeulen (2013) - De toekomst van duurzaamheidsverslaggeving; Het gebruik van KPI’s in duurzaamheidsverslaggeving door AEX- en AMX-bedrijven - MAB, 87 (1), 2-9
Assessing the Impact
- Year Level
- MA, MA, MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CC4123