Jason Pridmore is the co-director of the Community for Learning Innovation and the co-lead of the AI strategy working group at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication and former Vice Dean of Education within the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Jason is the coordinator of both COALESCE, which will build a European Science Communication Competency Centre, and SEISMEC, an EU funded project piloting Human Centric Industry innovations. Jason is also the lead on several projects with his research team, including SPATIAL, Ashvin, REINCARNATE, and he co-leads the Inspiring and Anchoring Trust in Science project. Previously, Jason led the TRESCA project, and was the Project Exploitation Manager and Data Security Manager on the BIM-SPEED project. He was the Principle Investigator in the Netherlands on the Mobile Privacy Project.
His research interests are focused primarily on practices of digital science communication, digital identification, the use of new/social media and consumer data as surveillance practices, and digital (cyber) security issues. He has written extensively on marketing practices and information exchange and participates in research focused on privacy, data ethics, mobile devices, policing practices, citizenship, branding and quantified self movements. Jason currently participates in an advisory capacity for a range of European Union Research projects and Dutch funded projects on new technologies, privacy, and security issues.
He is co-editor of the book Digitising Identities: Doing Identity in a Networked World published by Routledge press. Prior to joining the department, he was the Senior Researcher on the DigIDeas project based in Maastricht, the Netherlands. This project examined the social and ethical implications of digital identification, with his research focusing specifically on consumer identity and identification practices and the use of new media in marketing practice. Jason received his PhD from the Department of Sociology at Queen’s University, Canada, in 2008. Before moving to the Netherlands, he worked as a Post-Doctoral fellow as part of The New Transparency Project within the Surveillance Studies Centre at Queen’s University.
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
More information
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- Jessica Vitak, Y (Yuting) Liao, Anouk Mols, Daniel Trottier, Michael Zimmer, Priya Kumar & Jason Pridmore (2023) - When Do Data Collection and Use Become a Matter of Concern?: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of U.S. and Dutch Privacy Attitudes - International Journal of Communication (online), 17 (2023), 471–498 - [link]
- Anouk Mols, Jason Pridmore, Qian Huang, Katja de Neergaard, Sara Van Bruyssel, Tom de Leyn, Isha Bhallamundi, Jessica Vitak & Jesper Pagh (2022) - Workshop: Context convergence in mobile phone use: Mapping multiplicities of presence, digital inequalities, and well-being across the Global North and South
- Jorge Pereira Campos, Joao Fernando Ferreira Goncalves & Jason Pridmore (2022) - Data Donation as e-Participation: How Citizens Construct the Risks of Donating Personal Data to Smart Cities
- Vidhi Chaudhri, Jason Pridmore & Carola Mauck (2022) - Assembling the Start-up Brand: A Process Framework for Understanding Strategic Communication Challenges - International Journal of Strategic Communication, 16 (2), 206-221 - doi: 10.1080/1553118X.2021.1976784 - [link]
- Jorge Pereira Campos, Joao Fernando Ferreira Goncalves & Jason Pridmore (2022) - Sensitive sensors: exploring social identity as a method to improve communication of engineering innovation
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- Anouk Mols, Yijing Wang & Jason Pridmore (2021) - Household intelligent personal assistants in the Netherlands:: Exploring privacy concerns around surveillance, security, and platforms - Convergence, 1-20 - doi: 10.1177/13548565211042234 - [link]
- Andrea Mauri, Achilleas Psyllidis, Alessandro Bozzon, Ju Sung Lee, Jason Pridmore, Liesbet Van Zoonen & Sarah Giest (2021) - Complementing studies on vulnerable youths with reddit data - doi: 10.1145/3464385.3464703 - [link]
- Vidhi Chaudhri, Tessa Oomen, Jason Pridmore & A (Alexandra) Joon (2021) - 'CARE’ in social media: Perceptions of reputation in the healthcare sector - Journal of Communication Management, 25 (2), 125-141 - doi: 10.1108/JCOM-06-2020-0059 - [link]
- Jorge Pereira Campos, Joao Fernando Ferreira Goncalves & Jason Pridmore (2021) - Data Donation as e-Participation: How Citizens Construct the Risks of Donating Personal Data to Smart Cities
- Anouk Mols & Jason Pridmore (2020) - Always available via WhatsApp: Mapping everyday boundary work practices and privacy negotiations - Mobile Media and Communication, 1-19 - doi: 10.1177/2050157920970582 - [link]
- Y (Yuting) Liao, Anouk Mols, J Vitak, M Zimmer, Daniel Trottier, PC Kumar & Jason Pridmore (2020) - When Does Data Collection and UseBecome a Matter of Concern? A Cross Cultural Comparison of American and Dutch People’s Privacy Attitudes
- Jason Pridmore & Anouk Mols (2020) - Personal choices and situated data: Privacy negotiations and the acceptance of household Intelligent Personal Assistants - Big Data & Society, 1-12 - doi: 10.1177/2053951719891748 - [link]
- Charlotte Bruns, Simone Driessen & Jason Pridmore (2024) - Science speaks pop: leveraging popular culture for effective science communication (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Daniel Trottier & Jason Pridmore (2022) - Surveillance Studies Network Conference 2022 (Organiser)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Jason Pridmore (2018) - Securing Citizens on the Move and in the Home: Developing Ethically Informed Mobile and Mobile-connected Devices for a ‘Smart’ Society (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Jason Pridmore (2018) - A Secure City for Private Citizens (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Jason Pridmore (2017) - The Governance of Mobile Privacy: Data Production and User Experiences in the Netherlands and United States (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Jason Pridmore (2017) - Surveillance and Privacy in relation to "The Circle" (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Popular - Jason Pridmore (2017) - The self–surveillance of spirituality: Personal Christian faith monitoring through digital applications (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Jason Pridmore & Anouk Mols (2017) - Consumer Surveillance in a Platform Society (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic
- Tessa Oomen & Jason Pridmore (2022) - Student paper award
Master Thesis
- Year Level
- MA, MA, MA, MA, MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM5000
Media and Business Transformations
- Level
- MA
- Year Level
- MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM4101
Digitalisation and Social Change
- Level
- MA
- Year Level
- MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM4601
ArtificiaI Intelligence and Societal Imp
- Level
- Minor
- Year Level
- Minor
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM9007
Com. Technologies and their Impacts
- Level
- BA-1
- Year Level
- BA-1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM1007