prof.dr. G (Gijsbert) Oonk


Gijsbert Oonk holds the endowed (Jean Monnet) chair: Europe in Globalizing World: Migration, Citizenship and Identity. This chair promotes education and research in the field of Global History, European Studies and National Identity. The Jean Monnet chairs are an initiative of the European Commission to promote education, research and reflection in the field of European integration studies at higher education institutions. Oonk is director of the Sport and Nation research program at Erasmus University Rotterdam. This interdisciplinary research program focuses on talented athletes with a migrant background within football and the Olympic Games in the context of changing citizenship, multiple citizenship and elite migration. For more information see:

Oonk is also one of the academic advisers of EUROCLIO (European Association of History Educators). The chair will inspire the EUROCLIO program: Engaging History Education through memories and legacies of Europe's favorite sports. This program aims to promote the historical thinking of young people through football. The shared history of Europe generates a strong sense of togetherness and responsibility. This feeling can bring about active citizenship, especially among young people who are often less interested in study and history. Another goal of the project is to write a textbook: The Constitution in Utopia? Towards a just world in ten cases. The intended target groups are students, history teachers in secondary education, journalists and policy makers.

Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Full professor | Department of History

More information


  • Gijsbert Oonk (1 February 2024) - Interview met NRC: 01-02-2024: Rel tekende de Afrika Cup voor Marokkko
  • Gijsbert Oonk (28 November 2023) - Handballers uit Burundi gevlucht. Trouw 28/9. Interview.
  • Gijsbert Oonk (28 October 2023) - Meer dan een rollende bal, interview met Theo Toebosch Elsevier Magazine
  • Gijsbert Oonk (26 August 2023) - US women’s World Cup domination has ended. But the nation remains a global talent factory, Interview by By Jessie Yeung, CNN
  • Gijsbert Oonk (7 August 2023) - US Womens World Cup
  • Gijsbert Oonk (14 December 2022) - De cruciale rol van de diaspora op het WK,
  • Gijsbert Oonk (8 December 2022) - How Migration has shaped the World Cup
  • Gijsbert Oonk (8 December 2022) - How Migration shaped the World Cup
  • Gijsbert Oonk (29 November 2022) - De Coup van Qatar
  • Gijsbert Oonk (29 November 2022) - Het verlies van Qatar; interview in NRC 29-11-2022

  • Gijsbert Oonk (2024) - Football Makes History (Organiser)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event Professional
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2024) - Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity (External organisation) (Chair)
    Activity: Membership of network Academic
  • Thomas Peeters, Jacco van Sterkenburg, Gijsbert Oonk & Sandra Meeuwsen (2023) - Creation new Minor (BA-3) Sports @ Society, ESHCC with faculties of Economy (main coordinator) and Philosophy (Organiser)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2022) - Sport, Migration, Citizenship, ‘Race’ and National Identity: Towards a new research agenda (Participant)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2022) - Huizinga Institute (External organisation) (Chair)
    Activity: Membership of board Academic
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2022) - Football Makes History (Participant)
    Activity: Other Academic
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2022) - Huizinga Institute (External organisation) (Chair)
    Activity: Membership of board Academic
  • G (Gijsbert) Oonk (2021) - Football Makes HIstory (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Professional
  • G (Gijsbert) Oonk (2021) - Wie mag ons land representeren. (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • G (Gijsbert) Oonk (2021) - Nationality Swapping in the Olympic Field. Cases and Contexts from the Middle East 1998- 2016 (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • G (Gijsbert) Oonk (2021) - Moderator of an international panel: Pass it to the classroom. (Participant)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • G (Gijsbert) Oonk (2021) - Teaching the teachers on anti-semitism and nationalism (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Professional
  • G (Gijsbert) Oonk (2021) - The FIFA World Cup: Football, Citizenship, and National Identity 1930-2022 (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2021) - Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (Organisational unit) (Member)
    Activity: Membership of board Academic
  • G (Gijsbert) Oonk (2020) - Sport and Nation (Participant)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • G (Gijsbert) Oonk (2020) - Euroclio (External organisation) (Chair)
    Activity: Membership of committee Academic
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2020) - Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (Organisational unit) (Chair)
    Activity: Membership of board Academic
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2017) - Who may represent the Nation? Sport, migration and citizenship, and opportunities for football to address global (migration) history (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2017) - Convener: Sport and Nation kick-off (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Professional

  • Gijsbert Oonk (2022) - Robert Schuman Fellowship
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2022) - “Football Makes History: Schools and Football Club Museums Unlocking Local Heritage education”. Projectnummer: 2021-2-NL01-KA220-SCH-000049248 PI 400.000=
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2022) - Robert Schuman Fellowship at the European University Institute in Florence
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2018) - Jean Monnet (ad Personam) Chair on Migration, Citizenship and Identity
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2018) - Jean Monnet Chair
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2017) - Sport in the city: Anti-semitism and Football in Rotterdam
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2015) - Sport and National Identity: Changing Citizenship and the Global Battle for Talent
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2014) - Research Fellow at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London.
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2014) - Honorary research affiliate of the Centre for Indian Studies in Africa (CISA), University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg.
  • Gijsbert Oonk (2011) - Alfred D. Chandler Jr. International Visiting Fellow in Business History

Huiznga Instituut

Start date approval
May 2024
End date approval
May 2027
ik ben namens ESHCC lid van deze onderzoeksschool

Minor Sports and Society

Course Code

Minor Sports and Society

Course Code

Applied History MA Project

Year Level
Course Code

History, Memory and National Identity

Year Level
Course Code

Global History

Year Level
BA-1, BA-1
Course Code

Migration, Citizenship and Identity

Course Code

Master Thesis

Year Level
Course Code

Educational Minor History

Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. G (Gijsbert) Oonk

Football Makes History project introduces Evaluation Tools

Gijsbert Oonk's project has developed tools to allow users to assess and help improve educational resources and exhibits.

Gijsbert Oonk in Elsevier Magazine: football is also history

Prof.dr. Gijsbert Oonk was interviewed by Elsevier Magazine about the Erasmus+ project "Football Makes History".
Portrait picture of Gijsbert Oonk

Where has Burundi's handball team gone? Gijsbert Oonk on Radio 1 about disappeared sports teams

Gijsbert Oonk was a guest on Radio 1 to tell the story behind the disappearance of the Burundi handball team.
Burundi handball team

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