dr. EMMP (Ellen) Loots


As an Associate Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands, my ambition lies in the harmonious integration of two vital themes: entrepreneurship and creativity. Through my work in education, research, and professional engagements, I aspire to intertwine these elements while upholding the values of sustainability and community. By fostering innovation and collaboration, I aim to empower individuals and organizations to explore new frontiers and make meaningful contributions to both society and the environment, through their activities in the arts and cultural and creative sectors.

I thrive on collaborative efforts to develop novel and practical solutions, exemplified by the following initiatives:

  1. Examining new forms of finance and funding in cultural and creative sectors, in theory and practice, with colleagues from Erasmus University, other universities, and stakeholders in the Netherlands.
  2. Exploring self-curating skills in music as an alternative approach to entrepreneurship in the music industry, collaborating with colleagues from HoGent (Belgium) and music conservatories across Europe: SeCuM website
  3. Understanding joint value creation and entrepreneurship in the sustainability transition and circular economy, with a focus on the fashion and textiles industry, in partnership with colleagues from TuDelft (NL), Jagiellonian University (Poland), and University of Gothenburg (Sweden).
  4. Cultivating cross-sector partnerships and Art-Science-Technology collaborations (aligned with the values of the New European Bauhaus) in conjunction with colleagues from Waag Society and HKU (NL).
  5. Leading business model innovation for the inclusion of participatory practices in museums and cultural heritage institutions within the context of the ReCharge (Horizon) project with many international partners: ReCharge website

If you find resonance with my objectives, feel free to reach out. I look forward to exploring potential avenues for cooperation.

Ik wil het ondernemerschap in kunst en cultuur bevorderen, en vind daarbij duurzaamheid en gemeenschap belangrijk. Ik kijk uit naar samenwerkingen met creativiteit en impact. Lees meer: over waarde en systeemverandering in de kunsten.

Current PhD-thesis supervision

  • Alessia Gebauer: 'The Discursive Role of Data in Shaping Streaming Media Lore', with Mike Wayne. Promotor: Erik Hitters
  • Irene Tsitse: ‘Audience Engagement’, with Izabela Derda. Promotor: Susanne Janssen
  • Miguel Neiva: ‘”Still buzzing”: The role of club culture in the socioemotional well-being of LGBTQI+ youth in Lisbon and Rotterdam’, with Jordi Nofre. Promotor: Pauwke Berkers
  • Roderick Udo: ‘Exploring strategy-making of popular-music artists through an entrepreneurship lens’, with Lex van Teeffelen. Promotors: Roy Thurik & Filip Vermeylen
  • Virgo Sillamaa: ‘Polyphony or cacophony? Constructing the internationalisation discourses in music policy making’, with Mark van Ostaijen. Promotor: Pauwke Berkers
  • Yingting Peng: ‘The economic, social and cultural value of investing in Chinese porcelain’, with Yijing Wang. Promotor: Filip Vermeylen
  • Yoonjung Kang: ‘Being a Teaching Artist: The Symbiosis between Society and the Artist’. Promotor: Filip Vermeylen
  • Zeynep Birsel: ‘Creative Collaborations across Art-Science-Technology; Pathways for Situated Knowledge and Responsible Innovation', with Lenia Marques. Promotor: Filip Vermeylen


Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Associate professor | Department of Arts and Culture Studies


  • Ellen Loots (29 April 2024) - Why are concert tickets getting pricier? Students delve into the concept of cost disease in the art world.
  • Ellen Loots (29 April 2024) - Waarom worden concertkaarten duurder? Studenten leren over kostenziekte in de kunstwereld
  • Ellen Loots (8 February 2024) - De kunstwereld verandert flink: dit zijn de trends die je moet volgen
  • Ellen Loots (7 November 2023) - Hoe waardevol is kunst? Wat is de waarde van jouw werk?
  • Ellen Loots (1 September 2022) - De inkomenspositie en het verdienvermogen in de creatieve sector in Nederland

  • Ellen Loots, Yosha Wijngaarden & Carolina Dalla Chiesa (2024) - Between a rock and a hard place: how cultural and creative entrepreneurs negotiate distinctiveness in grant acquisition (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Ellen Loots, Monika Murzyn-Kupisc & Erik Gustafsson (2024) - Modeling for circular transition: how sustainability agendas variously contest fashion entrepreneurship in European contexts (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Ellen Loots (2024) - Ekip (European Cultural and Creative Industries Innovation Policy Platform) (External organisation) (Member)
    Activity: Membership of council Academic
  • Ellen Loots, Yosha Wijngaarden & Carolina Dalla Chiesa (2024) - Between a Rock and a Hard Place. How artists negotiate distinctiveness in grant proposals (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Ellen Loots, Carolina Dalla Chiesa & Yosha Wijngaarden (2024) - Mixing a healthy blend? Trends in collaborative funding and financing (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Marina Bos-de Vos, Miia Martinsuo & Ellen Loots (2024) - Projecting for accelerating sustainability transitions: practices of joint value creation in circular economy programs (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Ellen Loots & Anne Heslinga (2024) - Platform-dependent entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial ecosystems, and new industry emergence: an industry life cycle approach (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Ellen Loots & Jet Schaap Enterman (2024) - Supporting creative and cultural entrepreneurship: new perspectives (webinar) (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Ellen Loots & Pieter Bots (2024) - Waardevol Oordelen (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Professional
  • Ellen Loots (2023) - De hedendaagse kunstmarkt omzeilen (gaat dit wel?)  (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Professional

  • Marina Bos-de Vos, Miia Martinsuo & Ellen Loots (2024) - EURAM Best Paper Award 2024
  • Marina Bos-de Vos, Miia Martinsuo & Ellen Loots (2024) - EURAM - SIG Project Management Best Paper Award
  • Joris Blanckaert, Ellen Loots, Saskia Westerduin & Pawan Bhansing (2024) - Sharon T. Alpi Award for Innovative Arts Entrepreneurship Pedagogy
  • Mariangela Lavanga, Ellen Loots & E. Nieboer (2018) - Nominated for the Best RAKE (Best Research & Knowledge Exchange) Paper Award "The Portfolio Careers of Designers: some Empirical Evidence from the Netherlands"
  • Mariangela Lavanga, Ellen Loots & E. Nieboer (2018) - Nominated for the Best Paper Award in the track Creative Industries Entrepreneurship track "The Portfolio Careers of Designers: some Empirical Evidence from the Netherlands"
  • Ellen Loots (2015) - Winner of the best (doctoral) thesis in Cultural Management award (Antwerp University)

Raad voor Cultuur

Start date approval
March 2025
End date approval
December 2025
lid adviescommissie financiële stabiliteit cultuur

ekip collaborative platform for CCI

Start date approval
March 2025
End date approval
December 2026
Validator policy recommendations


Start date approval
March 2025
End date approval
March 2028
NWO – lid SGW OC Commissie

Master Thesis

Year Level
Course Code

Cultural Entrepreneurship: Theory

Year Level
Course Code

Cult. Entr. Empirical Research

Year Level
Course Code

Assessing the Impact

Year Level
Course Code

Economics of Arts and Culture

Year Level
BA-2, BA-2, BA-3, BA-3
Course Code


Year Level
BA-2, BA-2
Course Code

News regarding dr. EMMP (Ellen) Loots

The creative power of repair: lessons from the cultural world

Ellen Loots contributed to LDE Universities white paper "Repair in the circular economy: European legislation, product topic and business models"
Man restoring a chair

What do we know about incomes in the creative sectors in the Netherlands?

The puzzle is partly solved with the publication 'The incomes and earning power in the creative sector in the Netherlands.
Old piano with art piece of Marilyn Monroe

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