dr. A (Amanda) Paz Alencar


Amanda Alencar is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

She specializes in media and migration and intercultural communication. Her research and work focus on how communication technologies are shaping mobility and sociocultural integration processes of refugees in diverse contexts. Recently, she was a visiting fellow with the Refugee Studies Centre at University of Oxford, where she developed part of her new research project ‘Digital integration, livelihoods and forced migrations’. Alencar received her PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) in 2012. She obtained a PhD fellowship from the Galician government (Maria Barbeito Pre-doctoral Grant, Xunta de Galicia) for her thesis Intercultural Mediatization of Social Space: A Comparative Content Analysis of Spanish and Brazilian Television News Programs (summa cum laude).

After completion of her degree, she was awarded a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Fellowship to conduct her research project entitled TV New for Promoting Interculturalism: A Novel Step towards Immigrant Integration at the Department of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam. She has also been involved in various (inter)national research projects on interculturalism, diversity and cinema in Europe and South America (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain), the effects of narrative messages on Muslim integration in the Netherlands (ASCoR, University of Amsterdam), and the use of collaborative digital games to foster intercultural integration of refugees at Dutch schools (Utrecht University), among others. She is author of several international publications in journals such as Communication Research, Information, Communication & Society, Journalism, European Journal of Communication; Media, Culture & Society, Sociology Compass, Global Perspectives, etc.

More recently, Alencar received the Vital Cities and Citizens-Trustfunds[ ][Link 1]Grant to study the ways in which digital media technologies can be effectively and creatively employed by refugee and host community actors to enhance social inclusion in the cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Alongside her academic work related to refugees, she coordinates a digital training programme for students with a refugee background as part of their [preparatory 1-year program at Erasmus University Rotterdam.][] Amanda has joined [The Migration Podcast][] team as Associate Producer.

Other positions

[Vice Chair (and chair as of 2021) of the Intercultural Communication Division][Vice Chair and chair as of 2021 of the Intercultural Communication Division] within the International Communication Association (ICA)

Editorial board member of the International open access journal [Media and Communication][]

Editorial board member of the International peer-review journal Frontiers in Communication | Section [Culture and Communication][]

Board member of the [Professional Advisory Committee (PAC)][Professional Advisory Committee _PAC] at the Department of Media and Communication, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Invited Board Member of the Intergenerational Gaming Platform – Utrecht University and University of Amsterdam.

Former positions

Former member of the Editorial Board of the International Yearbook of Lusophone Communication of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and the Galician Association of Communication (AGACOM).

Please, visit her website ([https://amandaalencar.com/][https_amandaalencar.com]) for more detailed information about research and teaching. 

Publications and pre-prints can also be found on her [ResearchGate][] 


Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Associate professor | Department of Media and Communication


  • Amanda Paz Alencar (5 January 2023) - “The Role of Venezuelan Migration in Brazilian Elections” published in the Brazilian Newspaper of wide national circulation
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (5 January 2023) - El papel de la migración venezolana en las elecciones de Brasil
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (5 January 2023) - Brasil sera como Venezuela: Asi se colo la migracion en campana de Bolsonaro
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (5 January 2023) - Los migrantes Venezolanos y las elecciones en Brasil
  • A (Amanda) Paz Alencar (15 January 2022) - Organization of a screening night "Digital Place-makers project"
  • P (Payal) Arora, A (Amanda) Paz Alencar & DM (Daniela) Jaramillo Dent (28 September 2021) - Breaking the cycle of ignorance: Prioritising refugees’ digital leisure and entertainment

  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2024) - The place for modern technologies in the integration of migrants (Consultant)
    Activity: Consultancy Professional
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2024) - Becoming a Rotterdammer project (Invited speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Professional
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2024) - International Centre for Migration Policy Development (External organisation) (Member)
    Activity: Membership of committee Professional
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2024) - Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity (External organisation) (Member)
    Activity: Membership of committee Academic
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2024) - Report of the "Becoming a Rotterdammer" project (Consultant)
    Activity: Consultancy Professional
  • Isabel Awad Cherit, Maria Avraamidou, Alexandre Diallo, Julia Herkommer, Amanda Paz Alencar, David Ongenaert, Fraser Robinson, Cara Spall, Jacco van Sterkenburg & Yifat Leder (2023) - Transnational families and media practices (Member of programme committee)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2023) - Working with transnational families and communities: potential, challenges and future directions of digital participatory research. (Keynote speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2023) - Russian speakers’ acculturation in Finland and Latvia: the role of language and news media engagement (Examiner)
    Activity: Examination Academic
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2023) - Digital technology and refugee integration (Invited speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Professional
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2023) - Subscribe to my city. Exploring Rotterdam adolescents’ urban identity construction through social media engagement. (Examiner)
    Activity: Examination Academic

  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2023) - Becoming a Rotterdammer
  • Jacco van Sterkenburg, Amanda Paz Alencar, Julian Schaap & Pauwke Berkers (2021) - KNAW Science Communication Grant. Main applicant.
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2020) - Refugee Settlement, Place-Making and Digital Technologies in the Cities of Rotterdam and Amsterdam
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2020) - Digital leisure divide and the forcibly displaced
  • Amanda Paz Alencar (2019) - Visiting Research Fellow

Media and Migration

Year Level
MA, MA-1
Course Code

Methods of Media Research

Year Level
Course Code

Cultural Identities and New Media

Year Level
Course Code

Master Thesis

Year Level
Course Code

Master Thesis Project

Year Level
Course Code

Master Thesis

Year Level
Course Code

News regarding dr. A (Amanda) Paz Alencar

How Venezuelan migration played a leading role in Brazil’s 2022 elections

What role did recent Venezuelan migration flows in Brazil play on the country's 2022 elections? Dr. Amanda Paz Alencar (ESHCC) explains this.

City Lab 010 project "Becoming a Rotterdammer" has been granted a budget

City Lab 010 project "Becoming a Rotterdammer" has been granted
Becomming a Rotterdammer

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